Dang wolves probably didn't pay toll at bridge either. Bad management bear & wolves headed south in WI too. Not hard to figure out easier meals further south & not as cold. They should do very well moving south.
I live south of the Wolves as in WOLVERINES egad i said that word lol GO BUCKEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK SNOW + ROCK + ROLL + FUDGE !!!!
What the heck is a Buckeye, anyways?????
A hairless nut.
Article says wolves were exterminated a century ago. Of course by moron settlers who didnt understand the consequences of exterminating a species in the food chain. Now they are back and there are winers complaining again. I dont think that all the land owners up there are sheep farmers anymore. The wolves were here way before people were so if your gonna live in a area where they are you sure should be willing to understand that.