Wood Consumption


New member
Hi John, I was reading in your journal that you have 15-16 cords in your wood shed and that you will get 2 heating seasons out of that amount. I find this hard to believe. What all do you heat with the boiler? I heat my home forced air heat exchanger, hot water, and my shop. My total square footage is approx.3,700 sq.ft. I live in northwest ohio and last year i burnt 13-14 cord. Both the house and shop are well insulated. Just wondering what your secret is?


Last year I used about 7-8 cord. I heat the cabin and shop (approx 2500 sq.ft) as well as domestic hot water. The only thing I can think of is the boiler. The unit I have (Central Boiler) really does not burn much wood when not calling for heat. The wood just barely smolders. Plus I only put enough wood in the firebox to get me through the next 24 hours. No need to have wood burning that is not needed.



I keep it going all year long to heat the domestic water. It is cheaper to do it that way than to heat the water with the hot water heater. I did shut it down a few weeks ago to clean and change the rope gasket on the door, but it is going again.
