World Record: Longest Snowmobile Journey


New member
Hello! My name is Nick Keller and I am attemping the world record for the longest snowmobile journey (most miles travelled in 60 days straight). The current record is 12,163 miles in 60 days. I just finished day 26 of the ride today and have 7,823 total thus far. I have been doing most of my riding up in U.P. MI.
I call it the SNOWBALL CANCER CHALLENGE. I am doing this ride to honor my late mother, Mary Jane Keller who passed away due to cancer at young age of 56 and other loved family, friends, and members that have gone before their time. You can read all about me and watch my treks (Nick's Blog) at the following address: WWW.SNOWBALLCANCER.ORG
I welcome everyone and anyone to ride along with me. The U.P. is a great place for sledding and I am enjoying everyday of it!


Well-known member
Someone has to have ridden along with Nick up there.

7823 miles already! Hang in there and keep on riding.


New member

Congrats...sounds like you are well on your way! Great job on combining a sport we all love, with a great cause.


New member
You are a very good son. I think you are going to crush the record. In 26 days your ave. 300+ miles a day and the old was only 200 and change. Keep it up, Yoy and your machine can do it. Its all in your mind. I'm very inspired.


New member
Thank you everyone for the great support! I was wondering if anyone would know how the trails are over by Sault Ste. Marie? I am wanting to trek across hopefully next week. I want to meet up with the man who is going to ride from there up into Canada. Does anyone know how the trails are over on that side of the U.P.? Thanks again for all your words of encouragement.


New member
Hey Nick, stole this report from another thread for you. "Not very much snow over towards the Soo" "They have had lots of warm weather, and the snow is very icy. The trails in the Soo and down near Rudyard were pretty thin"

Wish there was better news for ya. Good luck!


New member
Nick, you rock buddy, keep up the good work and hope the weather holds out for you.
Cloverland rentals


New member
Thank you Wally! I need all the encouragement that I can get. I just finished day 29 and holding steady. I was very saddened with all of the rain that came today. We need snow! Hopefully, some more comes soon.


New member
Well I just finished the half way point in the 60 day world record attempt. I have completed 9,039 miles in 30 days. I was interested in knowing all the states/countries that are watching the blog for the cancer run and quest for the world record. If you can reply to this thread or email me at I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again for all your support!

You can check out the maps to see where I have all been or simply read about my quest at


New member
Pretty amazing story! Hopefully you & the Yammi keep going strong. Looks like you are well on your way to breaking the record.

If John is right (and he usually is), you'll get that new snow you've been asking for.


New member
Congratulations on your accomplishments thus far! I will be in the west end of the UP near Mass City Feb 3-7 with a couple of friends. We will keep an eye out for you on our trip. Best of luck and happy travels.


New member
What a great story. Keep up the good work. We hope to see you on the trail.

Think Snow!!!
Live The Dream!!!


New member
I finally had time to get to your website and check out your blog. I really enjoyed reading it this morning. Makes me want to load the sled and meet you in the UP so I can take part in your journey...but since that isn't possible at the moment, I just made a donation :)

Looks like you should be getting that much needed snow real soon! Take Care!