Wow! I'm glad he missed.. but HOW?


Well-known member
We just had a situation last weekend where a guy was robbing a tanning salon. A customer walked in and had the gun pointed at him. He took the gun away from the guy and shot and killed him.


New member
We just had a situation last weekend where a guy was robbing a tanning salon. A customer walked in and had the gun pointed at him. He took the gun away from the guy and shot and killed him.

That customer got 5g and lifetime tans for him and his wife!
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Cat Woman

New member
Holy, Flipp'in Smokes. I can't believe the security let this clown get 6 or 7 shots off. What were they waiting for?

I saw this on the news this morning and I was wondering the same thing. I'm guessing (hoping) someone had to go get him and he had just walked in at that point and that he wasn't standing there watching it happen. No doubt Husfelt had his guardian angel sittin on his shoulder yesterday.


Active member
yep there already talking on CNN about taking guns away from everyone because of this .I now know where my tax return is going to(couple new guns).


According to his wife he was an excellent shot and very skilled with a gun. I believe the guy wanted to be shot and killed (suicide by Police). The security guard shot him in the leg only wounding him; after that he killed himself. His wife had recently been fired by the school board (damn budget cuts) No one is saying this in the news but I am sure he had life insurance; now the family will have some money unfortunately they will be without a dad.

Cat Woman

New member
According to his wife he was an excellent shot and very skilled with a gun. I believe the guy wanted to be shot and killed (suicide by Police). The security guard shot him in the leg only wounding him; after that he killed himself. His wife had recently been fired by the school board (damn budget cuts) No one is saying this in the news but I am sure he had life insurance; now the family will have some money unfortunately they will be without a dad.

Heard the same thing this morning on the news. His wife said she believes he was missing on purpose...


New member
They are making him out to be a hero on fb... he tramatized them people not to mention what he did to America with this in the news.. life ins wth hope he rots in ****


He by no means is a hero in my book. The life insurance comment by me is just my humble opinion trying to justify a very stupid action by a sick man. I do feel bad for his wife and kids they will now be forever remembered as the family of a sick man that went off the deep end and killed himself.
One report where they interviewed the board member who tried to knock the gun out of his hand said he was carrying two more guns and alot of ammo. It was more of a suicide mission where he was going to go out with more. It is sad, but with times the way they are we are seeing more incidents similar to this. :-(


Active member
Media speak...

Just a passing observation on "media speak":
"Rambling gunman dead after opening fire at Florida school meeting"
Where do they get the strange, even dumb terminology? With the media it's always "opened fire", "opening fire", or the like. Well okay then, if it is indeed "opened fire" is proper, do they ever say "closed fire"? Does anyone ever "close fire", or do they just leave their "fire" hanging "open"? :)

Why don't they instead just say "fired a gun/weapon/etc." or "shot a gun/weapon/etc."?

Did you ever know a gun owner/hunter/marksman use the term "open fire"? On a target range you might hear "commence fire" (and correspondingly, "cease fire"), but certainly never, not under any circumstances is it "open fire"!

Weird illiterate media dweebs from another planet, I guess!


New member
frnash on gunfire

Just a passing observation on "media speak":Where do they get the strange, even dumb terminology? With the media it's always "opened fire", "opening fire", or the like. Well okay then, if it is indeed "opened fire" is proper, do they ever say "closed fire"? Does anyone ever "close fire", or do they just leave their "fire" hanging "open"? :)

Why don't they instead just say "fired a gun/weapon/etc." or "shot a gun/weapon/etc."?

Did you ever know a gun owner/hunter/marksman use the term "open fire"? On a target range you might hear "commence fire" (and correspondingly, "cease fire"), but certainly never, not under any circumstances is it "open fire"!

Weird illiterate media dweebs from another planet, I guess!
even thou this is an unfortunate thread i do agree with you because my best friend / bro in law was a cop of 42 yrs in the n\w burbs of chicago and he often stated the same thoughts... just my .02 meathead


New member
the words "open fire" sensationalize the news.....and that what they are in the biz to do now...not report but to sensationalize i spelt that right the second time....