wunderground vs weatherchannel


Staff member
Sorry, but I do not follow either one, so I cannot say which one I feel is more accurate.



New member
I have followed the weather underground for a couple of seasons. The temp forcasts are fairly accurate but the snowfall expectations are allways very aggressive. If you want a feel good forcast you can use them but their snowfall predictions are overstated. They do have a cool section on snow depths from small weather stations that I have found to be very accurate.
Weather Underground is what I follow as a back up to John's forecast.

If you check their forecast vs NWS forecast you'll see where they get their info from.

Weather Channel is WAY to general and is very wrong most of the time.


John First!

I agree that John comes first on the weather forecasting and go to the National Weather Service as a back-up or as a comparison. wunderground appears to get their information from the National Weather Service as was previously mentioned.
John may not be always right BUT he's honest about his uncertainty and that's more important than getting a snowmobilers hopes up only to get hosed in the end.

The life of a snowmobiler is an emotional roller coaster the last thing we need is inaccurate forecast.


New member

If I remember right.... back in the 80's i would view wunderground in a telnet session at U of M. Again if my memory serves me right the gentlemen who set this up was working on his masters or something. When standard was set for the internet (HTML) he was graduating and as i remember he had no idea if the school would keep the site. Again I am trying to remember back almost 20 years. So if (big if) I am remembering all this right, it is still students at U of M.

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New member
I tell you the worst one is Accuweather 25 to 50%, then the weatherchannel 50/50% then wunderground 50 to 75%. One more intellicast 50/50.

Johndee is the best for snow.


New member
I still think we should vote for John Dee for President!!! Nora first lady and Gracie very precious little girl and the Hounds Millie and Huck first dogs . I think we got a plan!!!!