I'm going to have to disagree that this is good for the UP. This may be a temporary band-aid for those that don't have jobs. Perhaps comparing apples to apples for the amount of jobs in the Marquette area compared to Chicago that is a reasonable comparison. Also, comparing this type of mining to the previous mining is not apples to apples.
Here's some more info:
The mining application admits that it will discharge polluted water to aquifers; the mine will emit at least 20 tons of pollution into the air each year, which will end up in surface and ground water. According to National Wildlife Federation, our "new mining law and regulations require that the DEQ reject any sulfide mining request unless the mining applicant demonstrates clearly that it will not 'pollute, impair or destroy' land, air, water, or groundwater." Identified risks include:
-collapse of the roof of the mine, which lies directly beneath the Salmon Trout River.
-acid mine drainage (see information on Sulfuric Acid Mine Drainage below)
-air pollution from a 50-foot tall stack (annually "at least 20 tons of dust containing sulfides and metals")
-loud noise levels from mining and rock crushing at the site
-80 ore truck trips a day impacting the region's roads (including spreading acid dust on roadsides)
For 100 temporary jobs folks from the local community are "okay" with damaging our precious Northwoods? 20 tons of dust going into our rivers, lakes including the largest of the Great Lakes.
There is always damage done by this type of mining which has NOT been done in the past in the UP. This is not an emotional argument. It has to do with the fact that this is going to destroy part of the environment and fishery. I'll admit that I'm more adament about this not going on because I love to fish in the UP as well as ride my snowmobile. Human beings continue to destroy natural resources for selfish gain. I feel for those that don't have jobs but I don't for those that can get jobs and won't take them because they're not up to their standards (aka fast food for example).