Anyone know more details on what happened or any hope of re-opening? Has there been any updates on a marked re-route?? We go through there a couple times a winter..... thanks
Currently no re-route, Club did not indicate any hint of one happening for this year. Trail was actually lost at the end of last season.
Trail, coming from east to west, went through some commercial forest land (private but lease allowing the snow trail, paper company land) and then hit a section of private, then connected to the end of a county road.
The landowner of the private section also lived on that property. They kept finding trash and empty beer cans on their place along the trail and also had several incidents of sledders not stopping at the stop sign which was at the road/his driveway. More than once he was almost hit by sleds as he left his driveway. One of those times he stopped the sledders to exchange pleasantries (sarcasm) and was told where he could go and what he could do with himself and the departing sledders also indicated they thought he was number 1.
Strangely enough, he opted to not renew/extend his lease with the snow club to allow the public to use his property.
There are county roads and state highways that will get around this section, no idea if they have enough shoulder/RoW to run a sled through.
The trail has previously lost private easement access in the same general area, on the other side of the highway.