You are a talented man, Mr. Dee


New member

Love, love, love the cross you made for above your fireplace! It is absolutely beautiful & having something like that is a good reminder for a family to have to reflect on about what's most important. It is truly a family heirloom! You are blessed to have so many talents & for following them---woodworking is certainly something you could make a very good living at should you choose to take that path someday. Otherwise, It is simply a beautiful gift to be able to share with family & loved ones. Did Nora & Grace know that you were making the cross or was it a surprise?

Jennifer (& Brent) from Lower MI


Staff member
Thanks so much for the compliments Jennifer!

Maybe someday I will be able to live off the income from the site and woodworking. That has always been my dream.

Nora and Gracie knew I was making a cross and I tried my best to describe it, but probably did not do a very good job, so the look was a bit of a surprise.

Take care!
