Your new sled


New member
John Dee, What sled will you be riding this year and what mods.have been done to it? I do like the Keweenaw wrap. That's thinking out of the box. cb.


Staff member
Thanks for the compliments on the Keweenaw Kamo!

I do not know the EXACT edition of the model of sled I will be on, but I know the make and model. Rather than spill the beans on what I know so far, I will just let us all be in the dark as to exactly what it will be. I can say that it will be a slight departure from previous rides. :)

Since I don't have it yet, no mods have been done, but since it is a "borrowed" sled, any modifications I do must be able to be undone with no lasting effects. I have a few of those types of mods in mind.

Stay tuned!


Staff member
I was told it is on it's way. Should have it tonight or tomorrow!

I am getting pretty excited!


Deleted member 10829

Just in time! Any idea why so late? Maybe it's all the mod's being done to it?!

It never gets old getting a new sled, even if it's every year you lucky devil! :)


Staff member
I think it was just late in coming from the factory.

Glad it is on it's way though! Just in time as you say.



Staff member
Would John ride a Polaris??

Sure, you have a ProRMK 800 sitting around for me somewhere? I plan to get LOTS of miles in this season and could give both the Cat and Poo a good workout!

By the way, the new Kitty is sitting in the shop. I'm not bragging here, cause she's just a loaner, but DANG it looks good! :)

Can't wait to share pics of her in Sunday's journal. Maybe even some action shots!


Deleted member 10829

Look at the picture in the upper LH corner. That's John on his sled from years ago. He rode Polaris for quite a few years I believe.


Active member
I remember him riding the "polcat", that of course, is before he got famous, and gets loaners every year. Lol.