Your old cat vs the new cat



just wondering if your new cat is everything there talking about, lots of power and better gas consumtion. You said you had some mods done to the last sled, what were they and did they help.



Staff member

I really have not had enough saddle time on the new sled to give it a real fair report. Plus I am still breaking in the motor, so have not really let it all out yet.

From the little bit I have been on it, it seems like all the hype about the new motor is justified.

I did put some mods on last years sled. Things to make it breathe better. I put on SLP's exhaust kit as well as the high-flow air intake and VForce 3 Reeds. That did give that sled quite a bit of added HP as it seemed to have the most HP of all the sleds that went out west last March.

I think that both sleds will be going out at the same time this weekend and perhaps we can line them up and see how they do against each other. My money is on the 2010, but I also think it will be pretty close!



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Staff member
I think my right thumb can handle 155-160 HP. Just remember, I am use to only a little 120 hp 600. :)