Your thoughts on CRU


New member
Hi John, I was curious if you have been following the CRU situation that broke last week? If you have, do you think this is finally the nail in the coffin for the Anthropogenic Global Warming hysteria? Or will it get thrown under the rug?

I also wanted to know if you follow (or heard of) Anthony Watts and his surface stations project?


Sorry, but I have not heard of the CRU or what broke last week.

Also have not heard of Anthony Watts.



Well-known member
Hackers bust into the CRU, Climate Research Unit @ a UK university which is ground zero of all climate data, and discovered emails discussing how to manipulate data to produce desired results. Desired results = proof of MMGW.
This is such a weighty issue that I beleive the "press" in our country are trying to ignore/kill the story.
The fact that someone as yourslf was not aware of the issue speaks volumes.
Do a search.


Well, if it's true then obviously any conclusions drawn using this data would be thrown out the window

Keep in mind that there there are other data sets used.

Sad thing if it's true though. Hope the "scientists" involved can't get a job flipping burgers if it's true.



New member
One of the main scientists is Michael Mann, the guy that Gore used for the 'hockey stick' in his movie.

As for Anthony Watts, hes a meteorologist that started a project observing the surface stations that are used for temperature data in the US. He found many of these stations are poorly maintained and are in areas where the temperature will always be warm: like in a parking lot or 5 feet from a air conditioning unit, on top of a building, next to a tennis court, in the middle of two asphalt runways at an airport. His two websites are and . Check them out, fascinating stuff. snobuilder, I love climatedepot!!