Yukon Inn


Active member
It is open. Under new management as of around the first of October. An older couple is running it. I think they also run a bar in gile.


New member
You are correct-they own Stutzy's Bar in Gile as well. But they aren't old--she is my age, and I know I'm not old--at least I don't think I am. Anyways, Bill and Kelli are super people-they treat people right!! Make sure to stop in on the sleds-you'll be glad you did.


New member
Hey tongue man Yukon Inn has been closed for a couple of weeks now under the new mangement. Heard something about lease, hope it opens though.


New member
Latest as of today Stutzy pulled all of his stuff out of there and it is closed. From a friend on Pine Lake.


New member
T.C and Taz were in Saxon the year before last-looking to go back?? Huh.....Wonder if it's the Bear Trap again. I hope somebody opens Yukon again before sled season-always a nice stop.


Well I hope that Pine Lake Lodge is still open this season. Good food there. This economy sure is rough on all of the sledding stomping grounds.