zrt gas cap


New member
part of the gas cap guts fell into the tank i was able to retrieve the two metal pieces what is floating in the tank is the plastic floater it looks like an emty spool from thread I have been trying to get this out it is like bobbing for apples. Short of removing the tank ANY IDEAS. I already tried to fill the tank full hoping this would cause it to rise to the top at the opening all it did was go off to the side. I am able to wiggle the sled and catch a short glimpse of the floater but I am having no luck grabbing it. This has not caused any preformance problems. I am ready to just buy the whole new cap and guts Thanks
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They aren't very expensive, just buy a new one.

As far as getting it out, I have no idea. Drain the tank and suck it out withh shop vac?