New profile posts

Shouldn't you be bending over the pot and hugging the porceline right now? Get that crap out of your system before this weekend!!! lol
Glad to see you guys had a good time.....I just noticed you had sent me a message...however my inbox was full, and bounced it back...sorry...wasn't trying to blow you off.

Hey SkiDude,

Curious as to who your friend was that worked for Yamaha as my father also worked there until early retirement was too go to pass up a few years ago.

Vern just takes the info from the clubs in nw ,if 5 clubs say yes and one says no he decides with that what info he has . do you remember 3 years ago when one club wanted it closed because it was forecasted to get to 32 and it didn't ? we were closed all weekend and only got to 28 with no sun . our whole club was upset with that club. Jay ripp c.p riders
Hi, we picked up 10 inches of snow with this last storm. I have not seen any tracks on the trail that heads toward Endeavor when I came home tonight. Not sure about anything else at this time. I am heading to the U.P. in about 10 minutes. Sorry i could not be of more help.

Later, Skylar.
Hi Jay here from Milwaukee In the summer we stay at Mason Lake in Briggsville. Been to Crossroads Motel to go sledding and wondering if the trails are groomed in and around Oxford and how much snow is there????
Just wondering, do you belong to a snowmobile club up in the Irma area? If so, advantages? If not, why? I was thinking of joining one, cuz i do most of my riding in the Merrill-Irma area. I do own a house in the area, but i live in Kenosha.
FYI Trails are groomed up here in Iron River WI
Are you guys planning on coming our way this year?
I'm just guessing ... Brad? Janelle & I may be coming up, text me your cell and we can hook up! 715-558-2240 Smeds
Where are you located? I'm in Rochester and my group bailed at the last minute. Room for one more? I ride an 06 REV 600, 51 yrs old( act 25 at times), have a Suburban and 3 place trailer(open) Give me a call! Thanks!
Mike 507-951-1079