Just trying to destract everyone from the arguing and brand bashing on the BRP sues Arctic Cat thread. Hope it worked!
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The Perfect Pair (o)(o)
Silicone ( + )( + )
Perky (*)(*)
Huge N!ps (@)(@)
Tiny o o
D Cup Melons { O }{ O }
Push Up (oYo)
Chilly ( ^ )( ^ )
Lopsided (o)(O)
Pierced (Q)(O)
Tassles (p)(p)
Saggy o / o /
Against The Glass ( )( )
Body Builder | o | | o |
Celebrity ($)($)
Mamogrammed ___ ___
Bite Marko)(o)
Blemished (^o)(o)
Why is it that on the Doo sues Cat thread I get hot chicks in the Adsense but on this thread I get marine mechanics school in Adsense? Those weren't type type of boobies your where talking about chillywilly, right?
( . Y . )
this is the breast post ever on jd!