Accident near Twin Lakes on Trail #3..Info?


New member
Last spring a snowmobiler was killed on trail #3 near Twin Lakes. Already this year there was an accident reported on the tV-6 news. They said speed
was probable cause. No mention of alcohol but the accident occured about 1:45A.M. Does anyone know anything more about the accident or it's exact
location on the trail? Last year after the snowmobiler died we were on the trail and I noticed a slight jog in the trail where he hit. I wondered if he was
over-riding his headlights and didn't see the slight turn? I'm also curious to know more about that phenomena....

I sure hope we don't end up with speed limits on the trail...better that we police ourselves and use ride safe as our motto. Please everybody. Stay alive,
drive safe, and if drinking is part of your fun. Control the drinks until you're off your sled!!!!


New member
Unfortunately, at that time of day, it is somewhat safe to assume that alcohol was a factor. Another good reason to get your ride in during the day, BEFORE you sit down to get trashed. It's all personal policing and responsibility. In WI there is a night-time speed limit, is there not in MI right now?


New member
There is NO night time speed limit in Michigan. Also this might have been mentioned previously but the MI DNR has asked that there no longer be any "curve ahead" signs posted on the trails....this year my club left the prevoius signs in place but we have been directed to remove all of them for the 2012-2013 riding season...they are no longer being provided...and the rationale is that people will not ride as fast if they don't know there are curves ahead. Really? I and other members of my club have a big fear of MORE accidents next year as people blow more corners. Makes not sense to us.


Super Moderator
Staff member
There is NO night time speed limit in Michigan. Also this might have been mentioned previously but the MI DNR has asked that there no longer be any "curve ahead" signs posted on the trails....this year my club left the prevoius signs in place but we have been directed to remove all of them for the 2012-2013 riding season...they are no longer being provided...and the rationale is that people will not ride as fast if they don't know there are curves ahead. Really? I and other members of my club have a big fear of MORE accidents next year as people blow more corners. Makes not sense to us.

I will have to disagree, and here is why. March 2005, my first trip to Togwotee, my brother and I were trail riding heading to Brooks Lake lodge, I come to a hill, go up and over, and right on the other side the trail went right, right now. WOW, I slowed in time to make the turn, but barely. I was pissed that there was no turn ahead sign, why are they so stupid out here I thought to myself. Guess what though, for the rest of the week, if I couldn't see what was coming up, I slowed down, and I did not have any other, oh crap moments, for the rest of the week.


New member
There is NO night time speed limit in Michigan. Also this might have been mentioned previously but the MI DNR has asked that there no longer be any "curve ahead" signs posted on the trails....this year my club left the prevoius signs in place but we have been directed to remove all of them for the 2012-2013 riding season...they are no longer being provided...and the rationale is that people will not ride as fast if they don't know there are curves ahead. Really? I and other members of my club have a big fear of MORE accidents next year as people blow more corners. Makes not sense to us.

Mdnr really has dropped the ball here. I am completely baffled by this. What a bunch of effing IDIOTS. I'm sending them an email about this. Hopefully it will turn a head.


Well-known member
I slow down at night anyway so speed limit won't affect me. Signage helps everyone so please don't remove it.


Active member
I have to agree with Skylar. The first time I went out west I got out of the truck ready to hit it hard. We got there at about 7:00 pm, unloaded and went out to terrorize the trails. We had a bunch of close calls that night! The next day when we rode out on the same trails, and saw what our close calls could have ended up as, (missed corner = drop off a thousand foot cliff) we could not believe what we had been doing the night before. My first thought was exactly what Skylar stated: "Why the heck don't they sign the trails out here"!!!! Anyway, we learned our lesson for sure. Now we Know not to get to crazy on the trails, and we also figured out why everyone was looking at us like we had three heads when we walked into an establishment in our full riding gear after dark. You just don't do out there, because its not safe, plain and simple.
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Active member
I will add though, I think there will be a LOT of problems due to the fact that people are used to great signage, and expect there to be a sign.


New member
Need the signs!That sign makes us throw fingers over the brake lever get ready and give her a couple taps for the high speed homies behind.


New member
I have to agree with Skylar. The first time I went out west I got out of the truck ready to hit it hard. We got there at about 7:00 pm, unloaded and went out to terrorize the trails. We had a bunch of close calls that night! The next day when we rode out on the same trails, and saw what our close calls could have ended up as, (missed corner = drop off a thousand foot cliff) we could not believe what we had been doing the night before. My first thought was exactly what Skylar stated: "Why the heck don't they sign the trails out here"!!!! Anyway, we learned our lesson for sure. Now we Know not to get to crazy on the trails, and we also figured out why everyone was looking at us like we had three heads when we walked into an establishment in our full riding gear after dark. You just don't do out there, because its not safe, plain and simple.

It's not even about riding at night. Those signs help big time during the day.


I can see both sides here,BUT, my question is this=have they posted this new policy somewhere so people know? if not,all I can say is WOW!!


For all of the riders that are familiar with the trails in the Keweenaw: With a lot of Trail #3 long and straight with some sudden curves, the novice to the area can really use the curve ahead signs, especially when visibility is limited due to snow dust and when it's snowing. Pulling the signs is not going to make anyone slow down. How are they going to get the word out to the riders that these signs are not there to slow down? Everywhere else in the midwest trail riders expect to be warned of an upcoming corner.

I've riden out west and totally agree with some of the previous posters, but riders in the midwest seem to have a totally different mindset when it comes to riding trails.

Pulling these signs down is a bad and reckless move IMO.


any and all signage is great, but the fact still remains the same if you (or me) are riding to fast up a hill around a corner yada yada that we can not control our sleds it is our own fault not the DNRs.

What happens if a club "signs their trails" perfectly but then a kid removes a curve ahead sign and John Smith blows that corner and gets hurt.......whos fault is it? The clubs, John Smiths.....well I believe it would be John Smiths fault be these days to many people are to quick to point the finger at the club (or the other person depending on the situation). We all have to ride safe and not expect/assume that their will always be a curve ahead, caution or what ever kind of sign.

O yes I have blown my fare share of corners and done my fare share of stupid stuff so I am not saying I am the perfect I agree with what the DNR is prosing NO, but each of us always has to be in control of our sleds regardless if we see a sign or not.


Active member
pulling those signs is the stupidest thing i have heard if it is supposed to slow people down why dont we pull these signs from regular roads ?


New member
I sent an email to the dnr about an hour ago. I think everyone should do it. I want to know the facts. If the facts are that the dnr is really that stupid, I want to put my $.02 in. Friggin government anyhow.


Keep the signs! We don't have painted lines or markers like a paved road would so any signage is better than none. What will be the next thing they'll try to slow folks down? There a danger in all aspects of this sport and it's up to us to be in control of our sled at all times just like a car.