Accident near Twin Lakes on Trail #3..Info?


A person should not have to drive their sled in fear of missing a turn or a curve because there are no signs, it makes no sense. The highway department isn't taking down signs so everyone slows down on the roads. The DNR shouldn't be directing clubs to remove signs, it is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of. What friken no brain came up with that logic, unbelievable. Stupid, stupid, stupid! All trails should be clearly marked to make them safer for everyone.

Deleted member 10829

I will have to disagree, and here is why. March 2005, my first trip to Togwotee, my brother and I were trail riding heading to Brooks Lake lodge, I come to a hill, go up and over, and right on the other side the trail went right, right now. WOW, I slowed in time to make the turn, but barely. I was pissed that there was no turn ahead sign, why are they so stupid out here I thought to myself. Guess what though, for the rest of the week, if I couldn't see what was coming up, I slowed down, and I did not have any other, oh crap moments, for the rest of the week.

I have some issues with this logic. What if you had been going a little faster and didn't make the turn and were seriously injured? It would have been too late to learn a lesson then. Keep the signs! Removing them is one of the dumbest things I've heard, but then again, it is government! Without them there will be many more accidents, no doubt about it.


New member
...We don't ride hard on the trails at any time of day any more...

Your comment proves their theory for removing them.

Do all of you really rely on "curve ahead" signs to slow down??!! Think about it. All of you that ride off trail know how to ride without the signs. How did you learn? By paying attention, that's how.

You are riding the trail at your own risk, so only YOU are responsible to make sure your speed is safe. I remember when the trails in Southern Michigan were only marked with orange ribbons and stop signs. The only time you need a "curve ahead" sign is if you're over-riding the trail.

Your reactions are perfectly normal, as we all want everything to be as safe as possible. But it only points out the biggest problem on any trail; Unsafe speeds and/or riding beyond your visibility, especially at night.


Deleted member 10829

Might as well remove all of the signs then! It makes no sense. Someone that knows how should put up a poll on this subject. I think the results would be a landslide!


Active member
WOW!! I have to say that I can't BELIEVE the logic that NOT putting curve signs up will somehow make for safer/slower riding. There is absolutely nothing logical about it!! Think about driving the speed limit in your car and not knowing that a sharp curve is coming up. Ri-dam-diculous!!

I've complained about the signage in the UP before...although it's much better than it was 10 years ago....but I'm not some crazy nitwit on a sled. I recognize that the curves aren't marked as much as they are in the northwoods and ride accordingly...but have still had to dig myself out because there was a sign that looked like a curve and it was a 90.
I do love my windingtrails and the challenge and the fun of them...but that doesn't make me stupid and it doesn't mean I can't handle a turn at, say 40, if I know it's coming.

I just don't get the logic here. The signs are information for a rider to process as they see fit. There are always gonna be those nitwits who take a turn too fast - sign or no sign. I say the more signs the better so I know, to the best of my ability, what's up ahead and what I need to do.


Active member
Classichic - sorry that we hijacked this thread when you were asking about an accident on the trail 3. I got to reading and forgot what the initial post even was!! Sorry bout that!


New member
This is crazy. I miss turns because from year to year some clubs change the trail, you look straight ahead and this tunnel going down into the trees goes straight, but then there is a sharp right turn. Not to mention other reasons but .....
So in their infinite logic , they remove a sign and what ??? " Someone kills themself " .....
Like sabre said , lets take all the road signs down and stop signs.... They start this nonsense... and it will surely hurt the MI sled economy. IF I was traveling from another state , and there were NO turn ahead signs due to a new policy, I would keep right on driving to CANADA, or wisc, or somewhere.

Someone needs to start a pole.
Then concerned snowmobiliers can petition the state.
This is totally unacceptable.

Sorry about keeping this thread off topic.


What was the logic in putting signage on trails in the first place? Has something changed? If so somebody let me know.


Well-known member
I'm kind of indifferent to this. You're out riding in the woods, out in the wilderness, and you can't expect the trails to be perfectly marked as if you are riding on a paved, signed, speed-limit controlled road in your car. So, if you are on trails you don't know, you have to drive as if a turn or obstacle is coming up anytime. On the other hand, it seems kind of ridiculous for the DNR to to require no signs at all.

I'm not a big fan of riding all day at 90 MPH on railroad grades anyway, so maybe I'm not one who benefits the most from the signs anyway.


New member
Being a former trail boss for a lot of years I really don't see the logic. We would try to mark the best we could. Most of are trails were on private property.Having to get consent every year. But I have to say this, We would mark touchy areas all the time with "stay on trail or go home" or just stay on trail. People would blow those signs off and we would be busting are asses of to get the trail back. So to some, signing doesn't mean much.


New member
lots of snow dust & fogged up goggles (not beer goggles )


Just because of the time of day don't assume he was plowed...Maybe a deer ran out?
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Where do we send a email or letter? This is crazy......I always tell my Daughters to watch the signs & More than half your dangers will be missed!!! Many times snow or snow dust makes things hard to see & signs could save your life or the person you're going to hit in the middle of a corner head on & their life! Skylar, If there would have been a big oak or another sled & you hadn't been "lucky" enough to make that turn on the other side of that hill, you might not be here today! A sign probably would have saved your life in that situation too! You have been riding for many, many miles, but what would your wife, girlfriend or kids of done? DNR tells you they are out there on the trails watching for our safety, writing tickets for any reason they can think of that day, but its for our safety...... What about the real things that can save a life...SIGNS!
This is not a sport that you want to "learn by mistake". They shouldn't be increasing the close calls to teach people to slow down, the signs should stay. maybe they should remove the stop signs on the trails, I see lots of people roll through them. Once lots of people get run over by cars, sleds and trains we all will be very weary going through a intersections and always come to a complete stop.


New member
WTG, I agree! I could see if they don't want to spend the money for future signs, but to demand the clubs do not put up the ones they already have??? Absolutely insane!!! If those signs save one life, it is worth it. If you have the advantage of knowing there is a curve ahead, you will slow down enough to safely navigate it, just like a car. STUPID to not have them!

WOW!! I have to say that I can't BELIEVE the logic that NOT putting curve signs up will somehow make for safer/slower riding. There is absolutely nothing logical about it!! Think about driving the speed limit in your car and not knowing that a sharp curve is coming up. Ri-dam-diculous!!

I've complained about the signage in the UP before...although it's much better than it was 10 years ago....but I'm not some crazy nitwit on a sled. I recognize that the curves aren't marked as much as they are in the northwoods and ride accordingly...but have still had to dig myself out because there was a sign that looked like a curve and it was a 90.
I do love my windingtrails and the challenge and the fun of them...but that doesn't make me stupid and it doesn't mean I can't handle a turn at, say 40, if I know it's coming.

I just don't get the logic here. The signs are information for a rider to process as they see fit. There are always gonna be those nitwits who take a turn too fast - sign or no sign. I say the more signs the better so I know, to the best of my ability, what's up ahead and what I need to do.