Catalyst impression so far


Well-known member
I have been snowmobiling since riding on back of my dads 1976 Johnson JX 650 have owned many a sleds through the years and believe it or not until this past weekend my all time favorite sled was my 1992 Skidoo Mach 1. I have been a Cat guy since my 1995 ZRT 800, my last one being a 2017 ElTigre 8000. I am also a 2 stroke guy through and through, when I first saw the Catalyst I knew I had to have one, I would constantly leave a pic up on my screen at the shop for my wife to see LOL! I knew she would let me but we also had a tough year at my shop so I filed the idea of one away... for now. Fast forward to this fall my wife says " I thought you were buying a Catalyst this year? I turned to look at her and within a week of her saying so I purchased one without never seeing or sitting on one in person. My wife and I went to west bend snowmobile show this year and there it was, the very model I purchased, needless to say I felt like a little kid in a candy store. Was able to talk to the Cat guy at the booth and one of the things he mentioned was I was going to be very disappointed with the engine during break in period which he said would be approximately 300 miles, performance would be lacking, would experience excessive oil and fuel consumption, but... after the 300 miles it will blow me away.
I accessorized it with powermadd 2xl gauntlets, mid height windshield, snow trackers, the duffle bag style tunnel bag and tunnel flares. Then came early snow in the U.P. so I went. in the first 50 miles I had already fallen in love with the sled, one of my concerns was the seat or lack there of one and how hard it felt sitting on in but...I love it! going from what was comparatively a couch to a bicycle seat, it still provided enough movement while riding and shifting weight. I also really like the riding position as I am sitting up higher, I like to ride with knees bent and feet behind me, by far the most comfortable chassis to do so that I have owned so far. The sled is also very nimble feeling, the over all rider position makes handling almost effortless, easy to lean into corners and position yourself aggressively. I have owned a few 600 cc engines through the year and this one does not disappoint, it is my first Arctic Cat engine and to say the least I am very impressed, at 65 mph the engine sound changes considerably, becomes very throaty sounding. Cat uses servo motors to actuate exhaust valves and does so in stages and am assuming this is the final valve position stage thus the change in sound. IMO... especially looking at it from front on the baddest ass looking sled out there!! I do want to make a few chassis adjustments to it, the only complaint i have so far is the back shifting is pretty severe, like having a dynamic brake but... also equates to less time on the brake. As well as the sled performed in my first 304 miles I am not expecting a "blow me away" change or improvement in performance, I would be very satisfied if the sled continues to perform the way it does. I did also like the guage Arctic Cat used for years that was on my ElTigre and my wifes F8, although I do get more information on the new "sport guage" I liked the appearance and the backlighting on old guage comparatively. Im not a techie guy so really not interested in the garmin guage but not saying I wont upgrade just because of the appearance. Those are my first impressions and I can honestly say that me personally am over impressed with the sled so far.


Well-known member
Glad to hear that you are so happy with it. Great to hear that Cat still has their mojo with the new platform, that holds some promise for the sled side of things as I've heard good things from others as well.

old abe

Well-known member
Big time Congrats euphoric! I'm tickled for you! You have been waiting on this for a while, so enjoy it to the utmost, and be Safe! I think you'll find that the 600 will be a fine fit, and a really great trail sled from what I've be reading. I always seemed to be riding the smaller engine sleds, and had no problem keeping up whatsoever, unless on a lake, or RR grade. They just seemed to be so much easier, and fun to handle, ride hard, and more aggressively in the tight, twistie's. I I was never worn out at days end, like some of the big bore guys were. I sure hope your wife now gets the El'Tigre, as she will like that Pro Cross ride. And keep the Catalyst reports coming!
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Well-known member
Always great to hear someone happy with there new purchase. Would love to try out the new cat. I personally have never owned a cat. I have owned the other 3 at one time or another. I now ride a doo 600 and personally think it has plenty of powers corner to corner especially in Vilas which is where I put in most of my miles. I would agree be nice to have a bigger engine in the U.P, I would think that would be a nice place to have the turbo Yamaha motor. Enjoy your new ride. Hopefully you get to put on a lot more miles. Now go on the flow shield post and update on that.😁😁


Well-known member
Just curious euphoric, what kind of fuel consumption are you seeing on your new 600? MPG's?
I'm seeing around 18 mpg but.... I am just a trail rider, average between 40 to 60 mph, good enough to me, if grades will allow it I may lean into throttle a little harder but not too often. I did not notice the huge difference I was made to think I would between break in and after break in fuel and oil consumption, but again I'm just out for the ride. If one was to ever ask me how fast it will go I will likely never have the answer LOL

old abe

Well-known member
I'm seeing around 18 mpg but.... I am just a trail rider, average between 40 to 60 mph, good enough to me, if grades will allow it I may lean into throttle a little harder but not too often. I did not notice the huge difference I was made to think I would between break in and after break in fuel and oil consumption, but again I'm just out for the ride. If one was to ever ask me how fast it will go I will likely never have the answer LOL
Hey that all sounds great! Enjoy it!


Well-known member
Hey that all sounds great! Enjoy it!
I am, old abe, its my first c-tech and however I will likely never push it to its limits the 600 definitely feels like its got some legs to it, I may stretch them a little here and there but likely never fully. IMO the best chassis I've own and one of the toughest looking sleds out there, Its quite impressive and am glad I finally pulled the trigger. Thanks for the kind wishes! I will!!! LOL


Active member
I'm seeing around 18 mpg but.... I am just a trail rider, average between 40 to 60 mph, good enough to me, if grades will allow it I may lean into throttle a little harder but not too often. I did not notice the huge difference I was made to think I would between break in and after break in fuel and oil consumption, but again I'm just out for the ride. If one was to ever ask me how fast it will go I will likely never have the answer LOL
Brian, so how good is it avoiding deer? 😁


Active member
I'm seeing around 18 mpg but.... I am just a trail rider, average between 40 to 60 mph, good enough to me, if grades will allow it I may lean into throttle a little harder but not too often. I did not notice the huge difference I was made to think I would between break in and after break in fuel and oil consumption, but again I'm just out for the ride. If one was to ever ask me how fast it will go I will likely never have the answer LOL
I’m seeing similar 18 mpg on my 2024 ZR600. Oddly enough, my wife now says the Catalyst is the best fit for her, so I’m back on the xf9000 turbo (her last favorite sled).