This memo, notice, the weather, and the Flu all Suck bigly!
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This memo, notice, the weather, and the Flu all Suck bigly!
It wouldn't be the first time that AC missed 2 years of sled production. The last time when resumed production sales rocketed with their new AFS front suspension. Perhaps while we wait, something new and great is brought forth? I just can't give up hope even though it's probably just 'wishful thinking', eh?Sad to see this. Really hoped it would have been sold by now. anyone interested would have made a strong surge to announce it for spring order. Not saying it still couldn't be done, there is still time but not looking good. Cat people who were going to order new, will now be forced to order Polaris or Doo. That's just more going away from what was a terrific brand. I am still optimistic, but the more time that passes the odds become smaller each day. I hear the 2026 line is set and ready, IF they were to find a buyer, just hope it happens soon. The letter states May 22nd, absolutely no reason to send this out almost three months notice if they had a buyer even close.
I'm not sure about that - one possibility is there are time requirements for filing with the state prior to a mass layoff - WARN Act for example - and they had to do this unless there was certainty with a buyer or they risk having people still employed past when production is done. If so this announcement doesn't mean really mean anything relative to any offers received.Sad to see this. Really hoped it would have been sold by now. anyone interested would have made a strong surge to announce it for spring order. Not saying it still couldn't be done, there is still time but not looking good. Cat people who were going to order new, will now be forced to order Polaris or Doo. That's just more going away from what was a terrific brand. I am still optimistic, but the more time that passes the odds become smaller each day. I hear the 2026 line is set and ready, IF they were to find a buyer, just hope it happens soon. The letter states May 22nd, absolutely no reason to send this out almost three months notice if they had a buyer even close.
That sounds like, and appears to be a complete shut down of AC Thief River Falls facility?
This was in our local paper this morning, Thief River Falls is only 50 miles away and this will be a hit to the local economy.
Agree unless something is going on behind the scenes, which seems unlikely.Well Hoosier, seems to me AC has already pretty much lost a model year of sled production? This whole thing, is just a real bad mess, and it's happening at a really bad time for the snowmobile biz, market. However, it's so very similar, and reminiscent to AC's demise in the early 80's, makes it very scary. Keep the faith, eh!
Agreed. Hard to think though that many companies would want to set up shop there, without any current ties to the area.Your employees are your company no employees no company goes both ways. Next thing is to sell the factory to whoever wants it so employees can go to work for someone else that wants to manufacture in TRF or leave the area to support themselves. The logical evolution of the situation.![]()
whitedust, you have me reluctantly thinking that you now believe that AC is a lost cause, and over?Your employees are your company no employees no company goes both ways. Next thing is to sell the factory to whoever wants it so employees can go to work for someone else that wants to manufacture in TRF or leave the area to support themselves. The logical evolution of the situation.![]()
Abe it doesn’t matter what I think but no 26 product line , no employees and a total factory shut down done to meet legal requirements. What exactly is for sale that has value to a buyer? The entire snowmobile industry has non current inventory up to their eyeballs so no easy sales except 26 products. The TRF real estate has value but AC has been hollowed out and has debt. Again what exactly is for sale at this point as the situation has evolved?whitedust, you have me reluctantly thinking that you now believe that AC is a lost cause, and over?I sure hope I'm wrong on that thought. All of us snowmobilers need AC to not only survive, but to flourish in order to have our sport stay strong.
I think the only thing this announcement did is put an end date on things. If no buyer by then, it's over. A employee that got the severance package on another site said they were told verbally if a sale occurs in the next 60 days, the severance would be up to the buyer (i.e., the buyer could choose to keep all or some of the employees). My opinion is it better happen very soon as doo and poo are or will be doing pre-orders.Abe it doesn’t matter what I think but no 26 product line , no employees and a total factory shut down done to meet legal requirements. What exactly is for sale that has value to a buyer? The entire snowmobile industry has non current inventory up to their eyeballs so no easy sales except 26 products. The TRF real estate has value but AC has been hollowed out and has debt. Again what exactly is for sale at this point as the situation has evolved?
It’s obvious that Textron is done with AC either they sell it or close it. Only the Textron CFO and tax people know what is best for Textron to close up AC or sell. They put an expiration date on plant closure and if they had a buyer they gave the future market zero hope to buy AC. 26 snowmobile deals will be made shortly without Cat via Textrons choice.I guess I am not a business man or nothing but for the life me I can't fight out if they have the 26 line up ready then why not put out a spring order? They could just build a many as they can sell. They have all the tooling paid for so what does hurt to produce what you can move. I am hoping some scoops in and buys them and that they actually care. Everything I hear sounds like the Catalyst is a nice sled.
Wouldn't that be so cool to have a John Dee special edition. That would be Cats best seller in years. I am already interested in the Catalyst that would be what would convince me to give it a try. Really sounds like Cat got it rite with the Catalyst. Perhaps a new refreshed rear suspension and could become the best riding sled in snow.I say everyone here on JD gets together combines our millionsand puts in an offer to buy Cat. We can then create a special edition "john Dee" version. I'm sure everyone on here has something to offer, legal, shop tuning, marketing, plant maintenance. Of and by sled people. What do you think?
Funny you mention this Darren, I literally just had this conversation with Pete (whitedust) yesterday. Me?... I am waiting for news right from the horses mouth, I don't even shake my head and rarely laugh at all the theories or opinions anymore because and everyone is definitely entitled to them, but you like me are a business man and how many people do we get who have the better idea, how we should be doing this or we should be doing that, yet 99% of them have never owned a business nor do they remotely have the idea of what goes into or lies behind the curtain running them . Same goes for what's going on with Cat/Textron. I said to Pete that if the sled business was such a sure thing why not all the nay sayers, the people with the better idea, all the things Textron did or is doing wrong, why not pool all their funds together as there are clearly people who know better. Afterall with all the infinite wealth and a legacy brand it would be a sure thing! how could they lose? LOL but.... there has yet as far as we know anyone with the experience or the capital willing to take the risk either. I have said it many times before, whether one likes the Cat brand or not as snowmobilers no matter what brand you favor we all better hope the brand doesn't go away as it will do no favors for an already fledgling industry, with all manufacturers posting massive losses on the snow side of their business. I still view what Textron is doing as a sound business decision as the industry as a whole is facing some very daunting challenges, not just the weather. As most of you know I am a Cat guy through and through and I hope and pray someone will either take over and resurrect the company/brand or Textron will figure out how to make it work. Textron may not be everyone's favorite business, and maybe they don't belong in the powersports business/industry, but they did not become the giant they are by making poor business decisions. The industry is likely not profitable for them in their eyes to continue production and I would be willing to bet many of us would feel the same if it was our dime riding on the risk or the investment. I will tell you I had hoped possibly the employees, many of them who are long term with Cat would have purchased the company and well... who knows...maybe? But in the end I really hope someone does as the industry cannot afford the loss of another brand on many levels. I don't have the answers, nor do or will I claim to have them either. But for all of those that do.... Arctic Cat is for sale... have at it! after all its a "sure thing"I say everyone here on JD gets together combines our millionsand puts in an offer to buy Cat. We can then create a special edition "john Dee" version. I'm sure everyone on here has something to offer, legal, shop tuning, marketing, plant maintenance. Of and by sled people. What do you think?
I also like and agree with how they stated that these large type industry acquisitions/purchases do not happen overnight and I believe it is very wishful thinking to assume it would have happened by now from when the first letter had been released.![]()
OPINION: Amid Signs Of Optimism, Don't Write Off Arctic Cat | SnowGoer
Despite the gloom, we're convinced that Arctic Cat and its snowmobiles do have a future. Look close and you'll see real signs of
Just sharing an opinion. Maybe these guys know something. The part that's interesting to me is they brought a 2026 sled to a photo shoot. Could have just been a new color on a 25 but who knows.
They did mention the required WARN act filing, which I noted before