K K knobrega Mar 4, 2011 wus up dude,,,, im just surfing the forums while Lilly is sleeping..... find anything worth wild to look at??? I like that snowbike - cr125 2 stroke. Should use that mx set up on a cr500...
wus up dude,,,, im just surfing the forums while Lilly is sleeping..... find anything worth wild to look at??? I like that snowbike - cr125 2 stroke. Should use that mx set up on a cr500...
E E ezra Dec 20, 2009 ok lenny just trying to figure how message works if you want to give me a call my #612 483 1224 up till 11 or so
ok lenny just trying to figure how message works if you want to give me a call my #612 483 1224 up till 11 or so
L lenny Dec 20, 2009 hey ezra, your a cat guys right? Got a question if you are. if you got a second, shot me a line back