Recent content by Gibbich

  1. G

    Civil War Gold

    I actually work at here in MN, we have the exclusive rights to this hoard. The highest quality 1863 $20 Liberty sold for $ story
  2. G

    polaris recalls

    Common practice in the mountains & in the steep & deep
  3. G

    Are you old enough to have had a GOOD Tombstone pizza?

    yeah, its a shame that Tombstone went to s**t....Red Baron is my go to now a days
  4. G

    Warm up this week?

    Here in Mn its been a great winter, news said so far this winter its the 4th snowiest in Mn is 43 here today tho but thats the warmest its been since before Thanksgiving............been riding sleds for 7 wks locally south of cities
  5. G

    Todays Ride

    Seems fair Lmao
  6. G

    FEB 2 Snow church

    Ummm, he's done one everyday this week....
  7. G

    Todays Ride

    Never seen green Dawn lol??................guessing its coolant?
  8. G

    Johndee website down?

    He did put his forecast on Face Book
  9. G


    7.5" south of the Twin Cities