Recent content by larboc

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    Chassell to Houghton
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    12/19/2019 keweenaw.

    More snow on the ground at this time of year than I can remember in the last 10+ years. No idea on trail grooming status, not many sled trailers in town at the hotels though. At least 30" on the ground everywhere. 100-120" in most places so far this season.
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    Another dusting, probably 14" on the ground now and packed after a 30 degree day. Been hearing sleds on the trail after dark.
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    A couple inches overnight, been falling throughout the day. Looking like enough to take a test drive around the yard tonight.
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    Another 6-8 inches of heavy stuff last night. A memorial day vintage ride might not be out of the question.
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    IDK, at least a foot overnight and still snowing hard.
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    'nother 3" and coming down hardish.
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    another 3-4" and still snowing.
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    2" overnight. 2' or so on the ground. More coming in the next week. Getting thin or bare pavement going through towns and trails are icey but off trail isn't bad.
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    What is this "meltdown" everyone speaks of? Another 4" yesterday, came down hard at times. Over 2 feet on the ground, it's a little more set up now. The limited riding I've done on the trails during the week has been excellent and smooth. The cold weather has been keeping the roads snow/ice...
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    Another foot or so in the past couple days. cold.
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    Dec 27 (since 24th)

    Guessing around 2 feet since christmas eve. Lots of wind/blowing so hard to tell but it's cold and white.
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    Slow down in the UP

    Please. It's depressing watching the news and seeing another illinois, downstate MI, wisconsin, iowa, or minnesota person who killed themselves on a snowmobile and I know first responders are tired of it too. Seems especially bad this year. If you're in a hurry to get somewhere so fast you can't...
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    UP for New Years

    ...and here come the FIB's.
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    Definition of a side-by-side in michigan

    Can someone point me to the technical definition of "side-by-side ORV" in michigan?