Recent content by Ramsey

  1. R

    Packer tickets

    If there are any GB Packer season ticket holders on here that will have tickets (4) available for any games next year please hit me up. Thanks, Jeff
  2. R

    ISO enclosed 12' two place trailer

    Looking for suggestions on place's to search for trailers for sale. Facebook pages or websites other than craigslist and ebay. Thanks
  3. R

    Big news!! Textron buys cat!!!!

    I've been waiting for this day
  4. R

    ZR 6000 2 up heads up

    So I bought a new ZR6000 this fall with the plans to buy a 2 up seat kit to use periodically, not all the time. I ended up getting the 2 up seat, and wiring harness for the heated grips, all from Arctic Cat. Everything is plug and play, no shade tree engineering involved. After everything is...
  5. R

    Annual Sea and Snow thread, I'm starting it
  6. R

    Johnny Skeptical-might be old to some but it's funny
  7. R

    Was Steve Avery proved guilty?

    I say he was not PROVED to be guilty. I'm not saying that he wasn't guilty I'm just saying that the State of Wisconsin did not prove him guilty in my opinion. Once again, my opinion only, employees of the Manitowoc County Sheriffs Office appeared to plant the evidence against Avery to help sway...
  8. R

    GoPro as a camcorder

    We are thinking of replacing out old camcorder. I have zero experience with a GoPro but thought if a person could use one as a camcorder as well as an action cam why not just get a GoPro. Would this work? Does a GoPro have the screen where you can watch what you're recording like a regular...
  9. R

    protecting trailer floor

    Made ten of these out of a free bedliner that a neighbor had. The trailer we're using this year has a rubber floor, don't want to tear it up with carbides. Plan to move the sleds in with dolly's then set the skis down on these.
  10. R

    Dixie Chopper 2350 EFI

    Does anybody have any experience with one of these? I've found a brand new 2013 for a great price but if it's going to be nothing but trouble it won't be worth the savings. Thanks
  11. R

    Traxxas RC electric cars

    Santa dropped these Bad Boy's at my house this year Traxxas Slash 2X4 1/10 scale electric. This things will flat out fly. The nice thing is they have three different speed settings. My boy quickly learned how to bypass the learner setting and now he fly's the things all over the place up to...
  12. R

    where is Lenny.

    Found him, he was plowing out the neighbors drive. I guess he was tired of getting stuck in the ol' Dodge.
  13. R

    This could be fun............. They've recently added tracks at Macon, IL, Terre Haute Action track in Terre Haute, IN and a track in the Carolina's.
  14. R

    115 PSI compression 99 A/C ZL 600

    Is 115 PSI both sides, any reason for concern? If that is low, what is ideal/acceptable? Thanks
  15. R

    That repair's gonna cost alot!

    Bill Voreis, he's back. This is his tractor, nice looking piece.