Recent content by swanker

  1. S

    Outside Yellowstone Park

    Here are a few pictures outside Yellowstone Park last Feb. 2 Top snow ghosts snowy trails trail sign Lions Head Trooper chasing buffalo off highway snow covered outhouse snowpile in front of motel in West Yellowstone...
  2. S

    Yellowstone Day 2

    Our second day in the park. Eagles in their nest. Gibbon Falls The family and buffalo Yellowstone Grand Canyon Buffalo on the trail Results of wildfire 1988 Roaring Mountain swanker
  3. S

    Yellowstone Day 1 - 2008

    My families first day in Yellowstone. Rode in the Old Faithful area. Entering the West Gate The Fountain Paint Pot Old Faithful Geyser Buffalo sharing the trail Kepler Cascades Firehole Falls