Watersmeet area?


Active member
Just South of Watersmeet in Lando is Brews right on the trail and Pine Cone (not a bar just local breakfast/lunch open til 2)


New member
@goofy600 A couple questions if you don’t mind.
Trail 100 was closed for logging and a rumored reroute was not done To the south end of the lake?
Trail 13 north from the grade is still open going north on the east side of Gogebic?
Trail 1 on the west side of the lake still has no path groomed to Gogebic anywhere between Marenisco and Bergland??
Thank You in advance!!


Active member
There is the Gateway Lodge in Land O that the ladies might like. Good food and atmosphere
Havent stayed there in a while, until about 5 weeks ago...Decided to eat in their restaurant...Ordered a steak sandwich/fries...Heres what I got for $17.99...Looks like a half a steak sandwich...


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Well-known member
There have been so many restaurant leasers I lost count years ago. Some good others not so good no idea who is leasing now.


Well-known member
So just done talking with one of my groomer drivers. Had over 200 sleds pass him today, granted he was out during the day but to have that many on a Friday in March when things are usually slowing down is crazy. Even with the 8-10” of snow we got the trails where the sun can get to them are taking a beating and mud and water holes are popping up.



Just curious, why do you groom during the day on a busy day? Once 20 sleds ride over it you can't really tell it was groomed. No time for the trail to set up. Maybe there is a good reason I'm unaware of.

I rode 170 miles today out of Bergland and ended up on 107 and it was great! Trail 2 was a bit thin with rocks hitting the skis regularly and ground showing in open spaces but pretty nice most of the way where there are trees to shade the trail.


Well-known member

Just curious, why do you groom during the day on a busy day? Once 20 sleds ride over it you can't really tell it was groomed. No time for the trail to set up. Maybe there is a good reason I'm unaware of.

I rode 170 miles today out of Bergland and ended up on 107 and it was great! Trail 2 was a bit thin with rocks hitting the skis regularly and ground showing in open spaces but pretty nice most of the way where there are trees to shade the trail.
Not normally what we would do but many factors came into play. We have been having a lot of issues with equipment running lately so didn’t want to have a breakdown late at night. Last time out we had a groomer get stuck on a hill that was all ice and had to way a mile just to get service. It had been a long time sense we had groomed because of poor snow until we got the new stuff so it was going to be rough and a long day anyhow. After the storm we also had a lot of tree clearing to do and lastly by March a lot of my drivers are leaving for vacations so have to go when the guys can. But during normal season when grooming on a regular daily schedule my guys don’t go out until late afternoon into evening. Oh ya when they are going to but out about 7-10 hours and the average age of my drivers is about 65 to 68 I really don’t want them out overnight.


Good explanation goofy600. I'm 63 and like to be done grooming by 11:00. :) I just wish we'd have a decent snow year like 3 years ago.


Well-known member
Good explanation goofy600. I'm 63 and like to be done grooming by 11:00. :) I just wish we'd have a decent snow year like 3 years ago.
You and me both. Besides trying to groom the same snow for weeks at a time with no new snow to mix in the snow was so tired and has so much sand and dirt mixed in it was almost impossible to get good grooming. And the areas on the grade where the sun and wind get to them or the heavy tree cover makes it hard to work. Then literally at one point all 3 of my groomers were having mechanical issues and had to weld new pans on 2 of my drags. So I’m really ready for this year to be over.


Well-known member
Oh ya and I do leave next Friday with the camper for 5 weeks heading to Arizona, so in my world it is over for the year. Then when I get back I can worry about fixing all the problems we had maybe get some new equipment and start summer trail repairs and maintenance.


Well-known member
Oh ya and I do leave next Friday with the camper for 5 weeks heading to Arizona, so in my world it is over for the year. Then when I get back I can worry about fixing all the problems we had maybe get some new equipment and start summer trail repairs and maintenance.
Good timing with the warm temps coming not much point in continuing trail grooming. You gave it a good go this season which was very disappointing for me Watersmeet and east to Iron county. 🤷‍♂️


Well-known member
Good timing with the warm temps coming not much point in continuing trail grooming. You gave it a good go this season which was very disappointing for me Watersmeet and east to Iron county. 🤷‍♂️
Ya it was finally starting to get decent going east and then that warm up came and all back to crap then we get snow again but a little to late again.


Well-known member
If you are ever doing some repair work in a weekend post it in here I am pretty handy with the tools. I wouldn't mind heading up and giving you a hand and see more if the inner working of the drag and tractor. I have seen that a lot of the issues with the tractors now days seems to be electrical issues. Hmm kind of like my new sled


Oh ya and I do leave next Friday with the camper for 5 weeks heading to Arizona, so in my world it is over for the year. Then when I get back I can worry about fixing all the problems we had maybe get some new equipment and start summer trail repairs and maintenance.
That sounds like a ton of fun! Let us know how it goes. My wife and I will be doing trips like that in a few years.


Well-known member
Couldn’t believe the amount of trucks and trailers in Bruce crossing today, handful in watersmeet too. We did 55 miles this morning in twin lakes mass city rockland Greenland but it’s going to fall apart fast south of Mass with these temps