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  • Shouldn't you be bending over the pot and hugging the porceline right now? Get that crap out of your system before this weekend!!! lol
    Thanks hope to make it!
    got the house! now just getting the financing together for it!
    Thanks for hanging out at the bug bar Saturday night! fun time!
    Take care Scott
    Just a reminder the date for the mud run is 5/19, all are welcome to come I e-mailed Doo and updated him. Bill likes to have a head count as the provide a chilli feed after the run. It's BYO food/ drinks for lunch, we roast dogs/brauts or pick up pasties, sorry no pizza ovens on the trail. Hope your sale went through, other wise I can keep a eye out for you!
    Thats right! all in good fun!
    Of coarse I never ever get worked up about anything here! lol

    Scotty, can you keep a eye out for a Harley my divorce is final and I am having a mid life deal maybe like a cheap sportster? you know me im loaded LOL thanks budwig
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