My wife got so mad at me last nite, she packed my bags and told me to get the hell out, As I headed out the door she said “ I hope you die a long and slow painful death“ as to which I replied “so you want me to stay then”
The wife and I prayed for the little guy yesterday morning, it’s great to know that our prayers were answered, it almost brings a tear of joy to my eyes to think of how mom was feeling as she experienced the first hug after missing her son for two days, must’ve been awesome
Riding in May sounds pretty awesome, I kind of wonder what riding in June would be if the snow held out, I guess it would be shorts, T-shirt and sunscreen… ha ha
Here’s another interesting article
Curious what experiences people have had with the Toyota tundra, it had a 5.7 V8 with 381 hp, but in 2022 they went to the V6 twin turbo
which supposedly has even more horsepower
Maybe some of you may see them
Well I guess the “magic option” would be someone with a CCP…
BOOM BOOM, out go the lights
Hopefully no legal ramifications would be involved…
But always remember …
it’s better to be tried by 12
than carried by 6
I’m feeling rather left out not being able to watch the “mystery guest”
I’ll just read all the updated posts being provided….geez…we’re up to page 8 now🤦♂️🌏🕌