Search results

  1. P

    What type of cat is this?

    A friend sent this to me today and said this pic is from a cam he has mounted to a tree. He said it is in lower central MI. Is he messing with me?
  2. P

    Sweet ride!

    Now this is sweet. and a Polaris at that.
  3. P

    Blessing of the sleds, Irons, MI

    The blessing takes place Jan.2 from 9am to 3pm. Blessing is at 11 am. The groomer operators will be cooking a pancake breakfast also. Skinner Park Pavilion, Irons MI.
  4. P

    Christmas cookies.

    Who has already eaten their share? What is your Favorite?
  5. P

    Togwotee/ Brookes/ Lava mtn. General discussion

    looks like something we need.
  6. P

    Ad question

    Are the ads on the right in Adsense and ads by google. John Dee sponsors too? I try to do business with your supporters and wasn't sure if this is a have to take thing for the new format. Also I buy from some of the adsense companies but not sure if I can support them by mentioning them in a...
  7. P

    Where do you live?

    Where do you reside?
  8. P

    Rocky Mountain Oysters

    Does anybody know if Tog. lodge is having these on the appetizer menu again this yr. My riding buds just love them!
  9. P

    Redneck Thanksgiving, How do you know?

    How do you know that you are at a Redneck thanksgiving? Your stuffings secret ingredient comes from the bait shop.
  10. P

    Bikers check this out! Get the discount card and trip planner. The card can be used in the winter at most places.
  11. P

    Why does it take 7 min. to make minute rice?

    Now, if this is not off topic rambling what is?
  12. P

    Revise and editing question

    Seems to not be working. This leaves us vulnerble to frnash! lol
  13. P

    Togwotee riding Dec. 12-19

    If you are interested contact Rick Mom (231) 437-0287 or Check out photo gallery of past trips. This is a sweet deal. I travel with Rick at least 1-2 times a yr. out west. We need bodies to make this trip work. If you are on a budget this is the way to do it. Anyone...
  14. P

    Popcorn sales from Cub Scouts

    what gives? $15 for you pop it, $20 for carmel corn,$30 for chocolate covered carmel corn and $40 for the chocolate covered with nuts carmel corn? Wow! Gave the kid a twenty and got alot of nothing??? I found a $1.98 can of Poppycock cashew in the cuboard, way better. What gives? eating both...
  15. P

    Harley Riders need your help

    Who can tell me what model, motor and yr. of this bike.
  16. P

    Openning day of bow hunting

    lets see your bucks