Search results

  1. 2

    Western UP

    Lack of snow or needed grooming due to traffic or? Presuming just traffic taking it's toll.
  2. 2

    Forest Roads in the UP

    You need a map showing what is a forest road (or under their jurisdiction) and what is a county road, so you know if the road is legal to be on with a sled. County roads are open on the unplowed shoulder. North of Phelps is the Ottawa National Forest. They describe their rules as such: The use...
  3. 2

    Baraga atv?

    Yes. Not on the highways, but county roads and town roads within village limits are open. Exception is Superior St south of M38 for 3 blocks, but that is not by the casino.
  4. 2

    Snowmobile GPS thoughts?

    Entirely separate map than what comes on the unit; built-in maps are shut off when using our maps. Preloaded memory card is included in the package, no uploading or computer needed. Please look at the GPS list, as not "just any" unit will work (referring to the knock off units on Amazon, etc)...
  5. 2

    The Season in Review with Pictures

    Great photos, thanks to all for sharing. As an aside, I'm amazed at the great night/low-light shots and what everyone's phones can do these days. Not long ago, night time photos were grainy blobs of shadows and with so much of our winter riding being at night, it's awesome to capture some of...
  6. 2

    How is trail grooming managed?

    Club is Great Lakes Dual Sporters, area is Atlanta (northeastern lower peninsula)
  7. 2

    How is trail grooming managed?

    Excellent points. Some of those major items (example: culverts) are multi-year deals on the grant. We have $5K in ours this year for erosion control on a few slopes, which is the max amount a Club can do on their grant without going out to bids and way more paperwork. Might need to re-stress...
  8. 2

    How is trail grooming managed?

    MI version: Snow Program receives funding from Snowmobile Registrations, Trail Permit Sales and Gas Tax. Trail Permit sales are the largest percentage. DNR manages the program. Clubs are volunteers, they are the grant sponsors of the program. They report to the DNR and should be working with the...
  9. 2

    MI Fatality with groomer

    As a groomer operator, this is horrifying. Tragedy for sure and my condolences to the family. I don't know more than what the DNR has published, but I know this trail is a RR grade and my first thoughts are that it should be very difficult to be surprised by anything coming at you. DNR press...
  10. 2

    Sled accident in Vilas, at Plum Lake.

    Currently tied with MI: Speed and/or lack of control (usually both) are the major contributors. Very unfortunate.
  11. 2

    2024 Ski - Doo

    No doubt, biggest reason I've not moved in getting a new one. If Yamaha could match fuel mileage of the Doos, I'd have more Yamahas in my fleet. Wish aftermarket would at least offer a kit.
  12. 2

    Enclosed trailer purchase.. looking for help

    Everyone's situation is different, how many sleds, tow rig, other needs. I've run: 2 place clamshells, both tilt and drive on/off. Great for being light, pull with anything. Suck when the clam has a foot of snow on top & you have to broom off at the motel before you can open the clam and worse...
  13. 2

    Ride Light

    Encountered a group with them last month when running the groomer. They were out of order (sequence). Gave me a good chuckle.
  14. 2

    Parking for a Cause

    That's awesome, Kip, thank you for your generous community support.
  15. 2

    Sault Ste Marie

    No crossing at the Soo that I know of, may have something new this year? Can cross on the ice off of Drummond Island if the ice is good (don't think it is yet). Have to ride the ferry to get over to Drummond though. Check with these guys for specifics...
  16. 2

    What else should I have checked???

    Power related by description; jumping it was a good test to see if the battery failed. Could still be a total-short in the battery type of failure that would require unhooking the battery. Most likely relay failed (or ECU type failure). I've had relays freeze and cause a no-start condition...
  17. 2

    MI DNR Offer

    It would be more "correct" to say that MISORVA got this put through and the DNR gets to set the dates (because the DNR is in charge of the Snow Program). Been in the works for quite a few years. One of the goals is to get more out there enjoying the sport, examples include the guy that has an...
  18. 2

    Lake freezing vs swamp freezing

    Pickup weighs 3 tons. Groomer Drag can weigh more than that, power unit multiple times that, so what's reasonable for truck won't hold groomer. Swamps with cattails or other vegetation can take longer to freeze.
  19. 2

    Lake Gogebic Area Snow & Trail Update

    Not speaking for that Club, but there are times where just the power unit is taken out to break a path through (drifts, etc) since the machine would probably get stuck if doing that while also attached to the drag. Generally the power unit will have a blade or loader on it to push/move the snow...
  20. 2

    2016 Ski-Doo Renegade Enduro 900 ACE

    I had the relays on 2 of the 900s freeze on me this year, had to warm them up before the sled would start. One was in the trailer so threw the buddy heater at it and the other was out front of the motel, had to hold it in my bare hand for a few minutes. I agree bringing a spare or two along is a...