Search results

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    How "fast" is trail 14 - Big Bay to L'Anse?

    For what its worth: From Koski Corners to BB on 5 and back on 5 is about 110 miles. (Without detour)
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    Are you ready to Rumble??? Heere Bleezard Bleezard!!!

    Lots O club volunteers still clearing brush from last storm.
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    Are you ready to Rumble??? Heere Bleezard Bleezard!!!

    As JD would say, "Holy Wah"
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    Does Anybody have the real story on Cell coverage in Northern WI and the Yoop?

    6 years ago MTU told parents Verizon is the only choice, but with cell towers being added weekly it has changed. Verizon in Florence and Calumet has gotten worse, we switched to T-mobile and is better in both locations but no 5g at either.
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    places to eat in or near L'anse

    Take a look at the Pig!
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    places to eat in or near L'anse

    IF you are trailering past Crystal, Curious Pig is out of this world, I've pretty much had every item on the menu and they are ALL amazing. All sides are home made along with 6 different sauces.
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    Milwaukee Snowmobile USA Show

    Did Polaris sell hot dog/marshmallow skewers?
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    The Price of Having Fun

    Haven't even seen the prices skyrocket for everything shipped via truck because of diesel price increases to truckers OR cost of produce because of Nitrogen shortage and price increases$$$
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    The Price of Having Fun

    Hope everyone remembers what they paid for food, fuel, heating & electric come november!
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    Hope I never pass this crew

    They feel they are "entitled" to the whole trail and off trail too! Worst part is they are proud of this!
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    Snow removal in Calumet question

    Thank u, thank u!
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    Snow removal in Calumet question

    Once upon a time someone posted a name of (I think a father and son team) someone who would clear driveways with a end loader, I can't find the old thread, anybody remember the name/number? ( My son needs a area cleared and snow hauled away, for on street parking for the rest of the season) Thx!
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    Snow Storm Feb 21 and 22

    I hear ya, might as well said 1" - 20" 🤪
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    Snow Storm Feb 21 and 22

    Looking at live radar, it looks like entire system pushed NW about 75 miles.
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    Snow Storm Feb 21 and 22

    Helpful ,,,,, BUT a B-U-S-T ❄❄❄
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    Club insurance question?

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    Club insurance question?

    Thanks for your updated and thanks for trying to help them out!
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    Club insurance question?

    They did have a groomer barn fire and lost 1 or 2 groomers, I think it was November 2019.
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    Club insurance question?

    Just saw on FB, Blue Ox Club in Florence lost their insurance and stopped grooming. Anybody have any ideas? I would think the insurance company would just raise the cost, not cancel.
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    good places to eat Houghton/Hancock trail accessible

    X2 on Joey's, cheap fish tacos, other seafood very fair priced.