Search results

  1. P

    No Gas at Henry's

    Just to let you know was just down to Henry's for lunch and their pumps are down again. Don't know for how long.
  2. P

    Gas is back at Henry's

    As of this morning gas pump is up and running again at Henry's in Rockland.
  3. P

    A couple openings

    We have a couple houses open for this coming weekend starting 1-10-14 e-mail 906-886-2940
  4. P

    Openings for 1-3-14 to -1-7-15

    We have openings in a couple different houses for 1-3 through 1-7-14. e-mail 906-886-2940 Check out our web-site
  5. P

    House #6 is still open

    House is still open for Dec 26 through the first of Jan. 906-886-2940.
  6. P

    Have an opening

    House #6 opened up for the 26th of Dec. Check it out on the web 906-886-2940
  7. P

    Still have a couple openings

    We still have a couple openings for this coming weekend if you want to get in an early ride. 906-886-2940, e-mail
  8. P

    Early riders

    If you are thinking of coming up & do some early riding we have openings between now & Christmas. e-mail 906-886-2940
  9. P

    Dates are starting to fill in

    If you know your dates you should book now as reservations are coming in everyday. Some weeks are already completely booked in all houses. Check out our web-site for our newest house #6 that opened this summer. www, e-mail or call 906-886-2940
  10. P

    Riding couldn't get any better

    We have openings in all houses for next week and weekend. Come up and ride the awesome trails. 906-886-2940.
  11. P

    Another big snow expected. Have openings

    We have House #1 and the 2 apts open for this weekend. Trails are so awesome and no traffic. Come up and enjoy. We were out on Sat. and it was great. 906-886-2940 or e-mail HAPPY TRAILS TO ALL.
  12. P

    Awesome snow now!

    We have a couple openings left for this weekend. Just call or e-mail 906-886-2940. HAPPY TRAILS TO ALL.
  13. P

    Peppermill had cancellation

    Just had a cancellation in house #4 for the 22nd - 26th. Would like to fill it. 906-886-2940.
  14. P

    Need Lodging this weekend starting 2-15?

    Just had a cancellation in the small apt. e-mail call 906-886-2940
  15. P

    Would like to fill openings

    Have the following openings and would like to fill them House #1 Feb. 11 - 13 & 17 - 20. House #3 Feb. 11 - 15. Feb. 18 - 20. House #4 Feb. 11 - 17. Apt. #1 Feb. 11 - 13 & 18 - 20. Apt #2 Feb 11 - 15 & 19 - 20. Please call 906-886-2940. E-mail
  16. P

    Had 2 cancellations 2- 8 - 2- 15 & 2-15 - 2-17

    Apt #2 opened up for this weekend and during the week next week. House # 4 opened up for 2-15 - 2-17. Please e-mail or call 906-886-2940.
  17. P

    Just had cancellation

    Just had a cancellation in Apt 2. One bedroom with 1 queen bed & 1 set of bunks. Another cancellation just came in for Feb. 4 - 10. House #5. Has 3 bedrooms with 3 double beds and 1 single bed. (906)886-2940. E-mail
  18. P

    Have Openings

    Next week I have some openings for Sunday the 27th - Tuesday the 29th and Sunday the 27th - Wednesday the 28th. (906)886-2940 or
  19. P

    Just had a cancellation for tomorrow through Monday

    House #4 has just opened up for the weekend. Call 906-886-2940. Thanks, Cindy
  20. P

    Book now for choice dates

    Reservations are now coming in. If you have certain dates you want I suggest you start booking them now. We do have a couple weeks that are all booked already. For reservations call 906-886-2940. e-mail web-site