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  1. S

    Friday's ride from Camp Krupp

    I had to steal Eric's name for Krupp's Resort, way cool! We took out 3 guys from lower Michigan Friday, helping out with the JD Ride In. I must admit, I did get a little discombobulated, and we had to back track. First time for everything eh? A few pics...
  2. S

    Twin Lakes/Mass area ditchbangers

    WTH? With all the trails, and hundreds of logging roads, why screw around riding in the ditch on M26? I don't get it? Is that their idea of off trail? LOL.
  3. S

    Hoar frost pictures from this morning

    My wife had the day off today, so on the way back home from dropping our daughter off at school, she took these pictures. Winter rocks.
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    Saturdays ride in the Keweenaw

    A big thanks to John and Nora for putting up with the cheesehead from Wisconsin. If you think Grace is cute in pictures, you ought to see her in person! Here are a few pics from Saturday's ride.
  5. S

    Fresh snow=a great afternoon ride.

    My brother and I took off this afternoon for a quick ride 'round the neighborhood. 82.1 miles, great trails, and all the fresh snow sure did rock. In the first pic, i was kind of wishing I had an Apex underneath me. :)
  6. S

    WOW, I think I have a problem.

    I really need to seek professional help with this snowmobiling addiction. Yesterday I was cleaning out the book case where I keep all my sled mags, about 15 years worth, so I could make room for some sled vids. Holy crap I have a lot of vids! VHS and DVD. Here we go: VHS movies Powder Bound...
  7. S

    First ride based out of Krupp's this year.

    The first ride of the season in the yoop is tucked away and put to bed. It was a blast as usual. Myself, Joe, his son Emanuel, and my brother hooked up with Doospunk and Big Air Crash for some great riding. Here are a few pics from Friday.
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    First ride of the year, at the farm.

    Wisconsin trails are closed still, so headed down to my buddy Joe's farm to do some riding. The snow was excellent, didn't hit one rock all afternoon. LOL. Everything on my sled worked great since the change over to the new tunnel. I did add an SLP air intake kit to it, so after after riding for...
  9. S

    Hey Doospunk...

    Looks like Papa Smurf made it out there before you did!
  10. S

    First sled on tril cam?

    Gotcha ya!
  11. S

    First sleds at Krupp's

    Here is the first picture of sleds at Krupp's for this sesason. Sandy just sent this to me. The only problem is this, the man with the sleds, was on a mission to get a new sled, which he did, but did not have time to ride, he had to return home to Illinois. For those of you who have stayed at...
  12. S

    What does everyone think of the new board

    Me likey!