Been in my garage for many years and now I'm thinking I would like to rip around at 34 mph. Would this be any 6 volt battery ??? I will suck old oil / gas out but not sure of new oil (injection) ? I used to use Y 16 or Y3 something ? Yamaha brand.
This storm packed quite a wallop for the Midwest heading NE up thru the Chicago area, but it seemed to get the life sucked out of it as it crossed the open Lk Mi waters and sweep thru Central Lower MI.
Did the lake cause that or were there other variables ?
Grew up in MI winters and loved it as a kid and adult. Snow, cold and still look forward to weather extremes. But at times it's getting ahhh….tougher to go thru. Now I like to be prepared and holeing up for days at a time as a house mouse
Dock is in the water and I need to drill some holes. You know some basic fix and repairing.. I know enough to not use an electric drill. But what about a cordless if I wear rubber water shoes for protection. Will I get a jolt ?
I have noticed the trend of snow/cold moving further north. For 45+ yrs I've been going to a Large N Lower MI lake. Lake ice would be froze thick and safe early/mid Jan. Now late Jan into first or second week of Feb. And much less snow.
It may be a 100 -200 yr ?? cycle. IDK. No one does.
I recently purchased a new lap top and upgraded my internet. I really didn't need or want all the bells and whistles on the lap top but most were included. One feature I have found helpful is the BS O' Meter.
Reading thru some of the claims being made on various posts, has caused it to red line...
Not much of a wrencher. Only if I have to be. What is this doo - whacker called ? I'm guessing it has a filter of some type inside that could clog reducing fuel flow. Can it be takin apart and cleaned ?
Never had to deal with this. All the others were on the upside. I'm too old now. Should I tag on or walk away. Say's an inheritance is coming soon but needs money$ to collect
Oh yeah, smoking' hot and loves to shop at Walmart
I still do. Quite a bit. Slap that stamp on, return address label, and spit on da envelope to seal it shut. I do my share of www bill pays, but some things I feel better goin old school. Been working good for 40 yrs and no ID thievery or missed payments.
MN has created a graph going back 100 + years that assigns a point system to snow storms, cold snaps, severity and length and so on....for comparison to see if it really was colder or more snowier as kid. Must be a down year for DNR and the weather guys ha
Not a W UP adventure , but this site is about all outdoors. Right ? OK Good. I'll make it quick cause I don't want to take up any space because its not W UP. Stuff happens in other areas.
Undisclosed Lower MI location enjoyin the warm and beatifuss lake
Guess its time to pack it in for this winter. Had the windows and doors open yesterday and couple of other days. Nice to get fresh air in the place. Been outside repurposing furniture, cutting plywood / trim and staining for a TV stand and hanging shelf. Sun is getting stronger mid day.
We all have access to YouTube and can find our own way without any help , but now endless links including the latest "How to Poop "
Time to tune out and change the channel.
Lower has a great trail system and lots of snow. In fact most NWL and Central Lower snow belts have gotten ~~
100 inches so far... below normal. But for all the low snow talk and the UP being the ONLY place with snow, that not true. I get those of you in MN WI this may not be doable, but what...
Its a New Year and and the season not yet into full swing,, are we all in agreement on weather flashing a fist of fingers is the right thing to do ?
Myself. I would ignore it and just smile and wave
I'm surprized with the forecast LES Snow Warnings of deep snow, and Johns endorsment albeit for a day or two, that no one is gonna ride, instead tire suggestions and a place to stay out west in Feb is on top and whining about no snow.