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  1. F

    Michigan tech hockey

    Getting some national coverage, nice!
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    Lake effect snow study They were talking about this on the weather channel. Probably could have saved a bunch of money and just asked J.D.
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    2012 compilation video

    A bunch of random clips from last years snowmobile season. Cooke City, Lolo MT, West Yellowstone, and probably some other places. The breeze is the guy on the green turbo M8, and the one on the rope swing, FYI. <iframe src="" allowfullscreen=""...
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    How long does it take to afford a beer?

    ON SEPTEMBER 22nd, the beer started flowing at Oktoberfest in Munich, an annual Bavarian beer festival which confusingly begins at the end of September. Last year, over the course of the 16-day event, visitors glugged 7.5m litres of beer, sold at an average princely price of €9 ($12.50) a litre...
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    The Weatherman Is Not a Moron Really good aticle about weather forecasting, and how good it actualy is. I enjoyed it, figured others on this site might as well. Kind of long but worth the read. Dont wory, its not a bunch of typical...
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    People using search and rescue when not necessary

    THE proliferation of cellphones, satellite phones, emergency locator devices, GPS, and similar technology has led to an epidemic of backcountry rescues for people who have called for help they don’t need, risking the lives of rescuers in the process. Search-and-rescue outfits around the...
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    The Surprising Shortcut to Better Health

    Thought this was an interesting way to think about exercise. For more than a decade, Gretchen Reynolds has been writing about the science of health and fitness. Her weekly column, Phys Ed, is...
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    On China's Demography.

    Figured I would pass this along, it seems like there are lots of people out there afraid of China. From our friends across the pond at the Economist. LIKE the hero of “The Iliad”, China can seem invincible. In 2010 it overtook America in terms of...
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    The Breeze wheelies in deep POW, Lolo MT

    Lots of fresh snow, best pow day of the year for me.
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    Boeing Dreamliner "draws" logo over U.S.

    Best I can tell 15 have been made, and 5 have been delivered. On a side note next time someone complains about the difficulties of getting at something in their sleds engine could be worse. This little puppy is comes to us from the good folks at GE. 67,500 pounds of thrust and a dry...
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    Boeing Dreamliner "draws" logo over U.S.

    Got this off of yahoo this morning, my two favorite things marketing, and powered flight.
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    NYT series about Isle Royal wolves

    Love them hate them I don't particularly care, some may find this interesting.
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    MTU sledheads group vandalize golf course

    I have a great idea... lets do some stupid stuff, take video and post it to youtube!!! You want people to have a positive preception of snowmobiling, not the opsite.
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    Great article about U.S. special ops.

    Any one interested in the military, or the conduct of the war on terror, I would highly recommend taking the time to read this. I would not want to be on these guys wanted list...
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    Brush Run Pro Trucks 4x4 n 2's w pics

    This was my first trip to Crandon, I was blown away. Those trucks rip, power slides into jumps. I have never seen anything like it. These are a few pics I got. There must have been a few johndee folks there, what did you think?
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    Pic from MODIS of Patagonian winter

    This is cool. Taken a few days ago, with the same sensor that takes pictures of lake Superior every day. Who is up for a road trip?
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    Armed forces of the world, rankings.

    Found this interesting. Its no wonder Europe can afford a lavish welfare state, the US subsidizes their defense. ON JULY 18th the British government announced a reduction to the country's army from 101,000 troops now to 84,000 by 2020. Altogether Britain's active armed forces—ie, excluding...
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    Ski Patrol at Mt Bohemia get a $1000 singing bonus.

    I just saw this on their site, figured I would pass it on. If you like to ski or board and are in the U.P. a lot might not be a bad gig. You only have to work 10 days to qualify, plenty of time for sledding...