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  1. J

    What are your thoughts on current Snowmobile/ATV Industry?

    So do you think the snowmobile industry is dwindling a slow death at this point, because of the up and down winters we continue to have? Or do you think its making a come back? Also, do you think the ATV industry is still strong or is that dwindling? What about side by sides? Just curious to...
  2. J

    Would you open up a snowmobile dealer?

    Just curious to know if you would buy a snowmobile business given that the way winters seem to be very inconsistent anymore. Let's not get into specifics like location so on and so forth, this is just a general question. Also what kind of sled would you buy if you were to be buying a new sled?
  3. J

    2014/2015 Snowmobile Season A Bust?

    Other than the U.P.and northern Wisconsin having snow right now 12-8-14, everywhere else has nothing or very little. Extended forecasts show warm ups all over the Midwest throughout the month of December. John Dee is showing signs of skepticism in his forecasts on this possibly being an up...
  4. J

    Eurpoean Models Vs. GFS Models

    Alright John, I am wondering what the difference is between the 2? Do you go off GFS models or European models? Which one usually holds more confidence? I am seeing a eurpoean model showing a possiblity of a boat load of snow this weekend and the GFS model is showing less snow and different...
  5. J

    Snowmobiling Shifting Further North Each Year!

    Is it just me or does it seem like snowmobiling is shifting further north each year. And when I say this, I mean the temperatures and snowfall from Chicago on up to green bay fluctuates from cold to warm way to much. It looks to be another month at least if you live between chicago and...
  6. J

    What do you think is the Best Helmet to buy for Snowmobiling?

    I bought the modular 2 helmet..... Looks like an air pilots helmet with the big piece of plastic going over the top front half of the helmet.
  7. J

    What do you think is the Best Helmet to buy for Snowmobiling?

    I ride arctic cat, but I wear a ski-doo modular helmet. I hate having ski-doo labeled anywhere on my clothing because I bleed green, but I must say of all the helmets I have had in the past, ski-doo modular helmets are hands down the best of the best. The mouth piece that covers your mouth and...
  8. J

    Lake Effect Snow Predictions

    John, Seems like every weather forecaster seems to bomb lake effect snow predictions. Would you consider this the hardest type of weather to predict? Seems like tornado predictions are getting much better, but as far as determining the amount of lake effect snow to come down, no one seems to...
  9. J

    Hurley Wisconsin (Mini Vegas)

    I must say, I make it a point to stop in Hurley every year when snowmobiling! Is this not like a cold climate mini vegas or what?! What are your thoughts on this place?! I have many of stories of this place, yet no one seems to ever talk about this place. What gives?
  10. J

    New Sled Hood Designs... Not a Fan of... Are you?

    Call me old school, but I prefer the hoods on sleds where you undo the 2 latches and the hood swings open. Alot of the new sleds hoods come off in several different pieces, I dont know about you, but I sure as **** dont care to be fooling around taking off a bunch of pieces to get to the belt...
  11. J

    How Do You People Do It in the Northwoods?

    I am from Chicago, I love the snow, but it's now mid April and the weather is still cold here and raining almost every day now. I do come on here frequently though to see the camera's up north and all I continue to see is snow still coming down to this day. I am very ready for spring and it...