ok so I finaly got ecu reflash and ecu rewired bdx light drive .so hit the butten today and it shut off and started in reverse good to go sort of.who knows if oil pump will pull air in to line.called 2 dealers got 2 diff replys.1 sed it will work just wont bpump oil in rev and that is what I thought and am ok with for the 5 sec it is in rev not wored about no oil for a rev blast.next guy says oil pump will pull air in to the line in rev now that would be a bad buzz an would mean 1 a new oil pump over $300 or 2 BDX oil delete kit drop a few lbs but have a pita mixing for as long as I own.any one running a 08 with motor reverse and not having oil pump issues? it is wild that moving 1 wire on a ecu 5 min project hit the rev butten and it stops and restarts in rev from 1 wire move