OK thinking of picking up a new 08 m1000 153 found some for 6400 I ride a xfire with a 136x2 no sway bar ski set narrow and rear block on thinnest setting limiter lose.I do ride some trail prob 1/2 of the time don't really enjoy that much but I do it .love boondocking so that is what I keep my sled set up for.no one can lose me on the trails now set up like I am.the ?how will the 08 m1000 153 do?I have ridden m8153 off trail and on pre ridden logging roads but never 100mi of bad trail how do they do on the bad bumpy trails?not real worried about push or tight woods handling more the studder up to 2ft rollers.and any other input you may have.I may just keep the xfire and call it the wife's but still want input on trail and the 153 1000