11-16 Day provides a glimmer of hope???


New member
A group of us have a trip planned to the UP Jan 5th-8th (2 weeks from today). We were strongly considering re-scheduling based on the dismal start and little change in the forecast. However, John's 11-16 day today provides a little hope. As he says, it's a long way off, so the confidence isn't real high at this point, but it's certainly better than the reports we've been receiving for the past couple weeks.

Come on Ole' Man Winter-wake up from your slumber and dump like you've never dumped before!!!


New member
We are heading up that weekend as well. I know there is not a lot of confidence, but please!please!please! I am doing my snow dance 2X per day now!

Deleted member 10829

Reminds me of one of my favorite movie lines from Dumb & Dumber. "So you're telling me there's a chance?!"


Well-known member
Never ever count your snow flakes before they have fallen! Every storm that may come thru the Northwoods you hear about the tons of snow that is supposed fall. Then they start about how the track is soooo critical then the heavy snow band is reduced to 50 miles wide. Will it rain, will it snow, will it be mixed? Poop.... when the snow gets here & has fallen then you know you have snow all the rest is just hopeful thinking that you can't ride on. When we have snow on the ground I will be happy & thankful otherwise just hype to me. IMO :)


Staff member
Never ever count your snow flakes before they have fallen! Every storm that may come thru the Northwoods you hear about the tons of snow that is supposed fall. Then they start about how the track is soooo critical then the heavy snow band is reduced to 50 miles wide. Will it rain, will it snow, will it be mixed? Poop.... when the snow gets here & has fallen then you know you have snow all the rest is just hopeful thinking that you can't ride on. When we have snow on the ground I will be happy & thankful otherwise just hype to me. IMO :)

Geeze. I guess I should quit my job then. Maybe even shut down the site. What's the purpose- if all that is reality?



Well-known member
Not knocking your forecast as you do a great job just the a pattern of weather for the WI Northwoods for the past few years.:) Nothing anyone can do but wait it out. IMO


Staff member
No problem, I figured that and was just having fun with you. ;) I'll be the first to admit that weather forecasting is far from being an exact science and I actually like it that way. Anyone can look at what a computer map says and regurgitate it. The art of forecasting comes in trying to find the errors in the models.

Sure would be nice to see that system in the 11-16 day pan out, but it's a long shot at best right now.

I have to agree about the WI Northwoods getting skunked in the past few years, maybe even longer than that. Just amazing how storms seemed to go north or south or east or west and miss you folks. Law of averages says you have to see your turn sooner or later!



Well-known member
Yep I remain hopeful but as you said sooooooo many storms have missed us that I'm from MO now the "show me state". No use planning any riding with my buds until snow conditions are known & on the ground too many false starts over the years. So I just tell them to wait see what really happens then we ride.:)