12 volt outlet to power GPS


New member
Checked my 2002 Polaris, that does not have electric start, the sheild wire comes off one of the hot wire under the Handle bar cover, it was AC.

So be carefull where you plug that GPS in.


New member
Checked my 2002 Polaris, that does not have electric start, the sheild wire comes off one of the hot wire under the Handle bar cover, it was AC.

So be carefull where you plug that GPS in.

How do you tell if ac or dc? I plugged into it and it worked all day on gps. it only charges when sled is running then switches to GPS internal battery when sled is off. Polaris sleds seem to have plenty of leads under the hood to hook things up to.


New member
Volt/OHM meter. if the system is AC, it will read the voltage on the AC setting. If it is DC. it will only read the voltage on the DC setting. Buy one for $12-15, great tool to have around.


New member
Volt/OHM meter. if the system is AC, it will read the voltage on the AC setting. If it is DC. it will only read the voltage on the DC setting. Buy one for $12-15, great tool to have around.

Thank you. heading over to Harbor freight today. I even have a coupon for the tester. $8.99 I really need to learn how to operate a volt/ohm meter anyways. If lead wire is AC wouldn't it burn out the bulb in my 12 volt tester I use when fixing trailer wiring? Last thing I want to do is burn out my GPS and lose all my free maps.


New member
Volt/OHM meter. if the system is AC, it will read the voltage on the AC setting. If it is DC. it will only read the voltage on the DC setting. Buy one for $12-15, great tool to have around.

Will this work for me. I do have a battery, it is totally laim. size of AA battery inline. for CFI (cross fire injection?) its an 06 755Pol. IQ RMK this is the meter I found. Will this do the trick. Instructions are very poor. This unit looks like a throw away from China.


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Well-known member
If lead wire is AC wouldn't it burn out the bulb in my 12 volt tester I use when fixing trailer wiring? Last thing I want to do is burn out my GPS and lose all my free maps.

No Light bulbs do not care if its AC or DC. Its things like the GPS that have lots of complex electrical parts in them that matter.


New member
I am totally confused now. Maybe I just lucked out and the wires I taped into are dc. GPS charges and works fine. whew! I did find out that I do have a battery but I can't locate it. Jim can you help? 06 RMK 755 crossfire injection. is this like a lithium 1.5v. installed inline some where to keep the clock and fuel pump or what ever working? How often does this need to be changed? Battery gauge shows 2 bars out of 4 when running. I suspect it needs to be replaced, if I could locate it.
what wires did u hook to i have a2003 600 xcsp that i am trying to hook my gps to and its not working


New member
what wires did u hook to i have a2003 600 xcsp that i am trying to hook my gps to and its not working

My wiring harness is completly different in my 06 than you 03. My 05 switchback has wires in the area under/ behind the handlebar post rubber cover. also I have wire to tap off by were a battery would go if I had elec. start. In front of belt/clutch cover at front left. I used a 12 volt tester with light bulb. clipped one end to ground and started sled. stared poking around until light went on. turned of motor and light went out. tapped into that. My 06 IQ has a battery and cross fire injection lots of wires for that sled to use.


Batteries are DC, stators are AC. If you don't have electric start your entire machine is AC, plain and simple.

If you have electric start you then have a rectifier to convert AC from the stator assy to DC so it will charge the battery. The DC part of the electrical system on your machine charges the battery only and does nothing else. All of the acc's run on AC voltage.

I have never seen any electrical device that is designed to run on DC work on AC voltage.

Get a voltage regulator for an electric start machine.


New member
Batteries are DC, stators are AC. If you don't have electric start your entire machine is AC, plain and simple.

If you have electric start you then have a rectifier to convert AC from the stator assy to DC so it will charge the battery. The DC part of the electrical system on your machine charges the battery only and does nothing else. All of the acc's run on AC voltage.

I have never seen any electrical device that is designed to run on DC work on AC voltage.

Get a voltage regulator for an electric start machine.

I have never had an electric start sled but always had a voltage regulator on all my sleds? Well anyways the GPS works and the battery in it charges while engine is running. So I am set. Not sure about others.


New member
Yup, that will do. Test the wires you have available, you need 12v. DC. most likely you will find all ac though. A rectifier will be needed. A universal one from parts unlimited or marshall will do. Or you can try to build one from radio shack parts. You should really get a hold of me sometime, I don't think we are too far apart. I am In Jenison, near Grand Rapids. My contact info is on my website teamfsr.com. Looking for someone to ride up with to the MSA ride-in in Feb.


New member
My Friend just smoked his brand new Garmin hooking it up to his sled. Wish I would have read this first.


New member
My Friend just smoked his brand new Garmin hooking it up to his sled. Wish I would have read this first.

thats why I am so concerned about mine. I got a tester and heading up North tonight. I will most certainly figure out what I have going on. I am pretty sure it is all okay. when the plug came loose from the recepticle a note came on GPS screen that power was interupted and GPS went to battery mode. I pushed the plug back in and it said I was on external power.


New member
Yup, that will do. Test the wires you have available, you need 12v. DC. most likely you will find all ac though. A rectifier will be needed. A universal one from parts unlimited or marshall will do. Or you can try to build one from radio shack parts. You should really get a hold of me sometime, I don't think we are too far apart. I am In Jenison, near Grand Rapids. My contact info is on my website teamfsr.com. Looking for someone to ride up with to the MSA ride-in in Feb.

Jim , You are about 30 miles west of me. You live amongst all my relatives that's why I am on the east side of GR. lol. distance! Not sure if I am going to MSA Ride In this year. I have been a life member since 1990. Are you going to JDee ride in? or Slednutz 2010 Mass Invasion? I am doing both.


New member
Yup, that will do. Test the wires you have available, you need 12v. DC. most likely you will find all ac though. A rectifier will be needed. A universal one from parts unlimited or marshall will do. Or you can try to build one from radio shack parts. You should really get a hold of me sometime, I don't think we are too far apart. I am In Jenison, near Grand Rapids. My contact info is on my website teamfsr.com. Looking for someone to ride up with to the MSA ride-in in Feb.

what do u need from the shack and the best way to put the parts together is what


New member
Jim , You are about 30 miles west of me. You live amongst all my relatives that's why I am on the east side of GR. lol. distance! Not sure if I am going to MSA Ride In this year. I have been a life member since 1990. Are you going to JDee ride in? or Slednutz 2010 Mass Invasion? I am doing both.

Handn't thought about it, I will see if I am available and if the rides sound interesting.


New member
why don't you guys just check out sno-bunge.com they have a system w/battery that will hook to a.c. system in your machines I think it is around $50. the cost of a small dry cell batt is $20 and then you will need a charger to recharge.
with the price of gps's and the cost of staters or the possiblitiy of shorting out stater in the woods someplace and having the machine die. $50 will seem cheap..

I run a 12v dry cell batt and i can run my gar60 for 3 days before i have to recharge it and that takes 2 hours , so I just put it on a wall charger over night in the room.. if my batt die's then i'm just on the gps's batt till i get back to the room..

food for thought...