136in Track


New member
Looking for a new track for a 2008 Crossfire 6. I need to keep 1.25in lugs to use the same studs we already have on our old track right now. All i can find is a ripsaw, but I dont really like the "finger lug" design that is on the ripsaw. I would prefer a more lug design that was like the old tracks, and would love the cobra if it wasn't 1.352in. Anybody got any options for me?

Thanks in advance,


Well-known member
The cobra is 1.25 with little fingers on the ends of the lugs that make it 1.352 i believe. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.


The cobra is 1.25 with little fingers on the ends of the lugs that make it 1.352 i believe. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.

are you than saing the fingers are only 1/10th of and inch long, :eek: