Well it appears I need to do some more reading because I do not see that button when I reply
It always bugs me when
some sof'ware injuneers give you 17 dozen ways to do a simple task, it just complicates matters and adds to the confusion. For me the KISS principle wins every time.
When replying, if you click on the
Reply to Thread button at the top of the thread, you get this message entry window:
If instead you go to the
message you want to reply to, and click the
Reply button at the bottom of that window, you get this message entry window:
But if you plan on using a quotation in your reply, you go to
the message you want to quote, then click on the
Reply With Quote button at the bottom of that window, which will get you the following message entry window — with the entire text of the message you wanted to quote already formatted as a quote. You can edit that quoted text but just be careful to leave both of the formatting tags (in the square brackets) intact!:
Now, click on the
Go Advanced button, and there's the Advanced window, complete with a
Preview button(!):
I just routinely "Go Advanced", 'cuz it is more versatile, and you get that
Preview Post button!
Question for vBulletin developers: "Why make it so obscure? — just KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)!