My 2001 ZR ran like a champ for 600 miles this year. Then all of a sudden it bogged down coming into a town to get gas and now won't start. The facts:
** Ran 95 miles today. Only premium non-ethanol gas
** was having issues idling early today
** changed both plugs - went half a block and then shut off for good. Now it won't start
** carbs are cleaned every year
** my gas gauge is also not working in the last day (probaby completely unrelated).
Here is exactly what happened in more detail:
Ran for 95 miles or so on good trails at decently fast speeds. After running for 70 miles on the tank of gas I have and coming into town it bogged down for a split second. Feathered the throttle and you could tell it was having issues with power. Rode it the last block to the gas station, filled up, and replaced the plugs. Ran it for another block and it bogged down again then completely shut off. Restarted it... ran for about 20 feet and then it shut off for good. Now it won't start at all.
What is your best idea on what it might be? Thanks!
- pfeifest
** Ran 95 miles today. Only premium non-ethanol gas
** was having issues idling early today
** changed both plugs - went half a block and then shut off for good. Now it won't start
** carbs are cleaned every year
** my gas gauge is also not working in the last day (probaby completely unrelated).
Here is exactly what happened in more detail:
Ran for 95 miles or so on good trails at decently fast speeds. After running for 70 miles on the tank of gas I have and coming into town it bogged down for a split second. Feathered the throttle and you could tell it was having issues with power. Rode it the last block to the gas station, filled up, and replaced the plugs. Ran it for another block and it bogged down again then completely shut off. Restarted it... ran for about 20 feet and then it shut off for good. Now it won't start at all.
What is your best idea on what it might be? Thanks!
- pfeifest