2002 Grand Prix - Clunking Noise in Front


New member
I have a 2002 grand prix that makes a loud clunking noise in the front end. Its kind of a dull sound like someone is hitting something with a rubber mallet. I just had new struts and wheel bearings put on but it still makes this noise. Mostly when I turn...any ideas? I looked online and some people say CV joints or possibly sway bar


Well-known member
CV Joints will usually make a "rolling" clicking sound as you turn. A quick inspection of the CV Boot should tell you something. If the boot is cracked, dirt and moisture can get in there, and cause it to get dry, causing the wear and clicking sound.


About 99.9% sure it's the CV Joints. Half shafts are about $55 at RockAuto.com

I'd do both sides. Not that tough of a job.

8 year old car, probably 120k miles plus, needed bearings..............yep, CV Joints


New member
I have a 2002 grand prix that makes a loud clunking noise in the front end. Its kind of a dull sound like someone is hitting something with a rubber mallet. I just had new struts and wheel bearings put on but it still makes this noise. Mostly when I turn...any ideas? I looked online and some people say CV joints or possibly sway bar

sway bar


Well-known member
this is highly unlikely, but people have had clunking noises in their cars after getting something fixed, and it turns out a ratchet is stuck somewhere. Just a thought...


New member
sway bar link, broke coil off the top of the spring, ball joint , when does it make the noise ? If I remember correctly the coils have to be installed in a specific location / position, I might be wrong regarding that aspect. Just a few thoughts. My kids car has a broke coil about 1/2 a coil right at the top of the 1 side . It too makes a noise. They complain about hating their car and the more they complain the longer I keep fixing it. we will just see who's tougher...... When I was a kid , I had junk , and I thought it was the " jewel of the nile ".


New member
It was doing it when I turn but this morning it was doing it while just driving down the street at about 20 mph. It doesn’t necessarily make a clicking noise its more of a clunk. Its not a constant noise either.


New member
Strut bearing plate. I have a 2003 Bonneville had the same noise and it was the bearing plate. If its coming from the center of the wheel it could be the CV.


New member
I had a clunk on my 05 Magnum R/T wagon. It turned out to be a ball joint and the sway bar was tightened up also. Clunk is gone!!


New member
Talked to my mechanic and he said I have a broken sway bar bolt. He forgot to tell me because Napa didnt have one in stock so its going to get fixed today. Thanks for the help guys


New member
Grand prix

I had a 2000 grand prix that was make a nois elike that and on the pass. side the sway bar was broke were it bolt on. you have to look close mine was not broke all the way. Found a new GM one on ebay for 165 dollars. And never hurd it again.