2010-2011 season snowfall totals from NWS


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Can you post the same for WI. I heard Phelps had 99" & just down the road Eagle River only had & 72". Phelps trail conditions were so much better all season than ER & if true those 27" meant a lot. Unfortunatley trail conditions fell apart 15 -20 miles to the north,south, east & west of Phelps too. Bad year all in all.


Well-known member
WOW!! Thanks Phelps top of the list for snowfall! That is what I thought 1st hand riding the trails last year but good to know it was not my imagination either.


Well-known member
What this shows me is the snowfall can be in pockets & you have to get out & ride the trails to know how trail conditions really are. These pockets are exactly what I saw riding from Phelps going a bit east was horrible last year & 10 mile radius around downtown Phelps was AOk then went to snirt. Great in Phelps but so what can't ride in circles around Phelps all day.


Well-known member
Just as I suspected, the Keweenaw ended as a darn-near mirrored image of 2009-2010. I'm with ya Skylar, we need another 2008-2009 year this season, which would be a "Normal" winter for us. I'll have to add another member to the Bleezard family, lets see, we've got Uncle LES, Aunt Arctic, Cousin Squally, and now ,the long lost Uncle Normal.:cool:-Mezz


Door county is about 5-6 ft. Can you imagine trying to explain to someone from down south that we are complaining that 6 feet of snow wasn't enough?


Well-known member
Door county is about 5-6 ft. Can you imagine trying to explain to someone from down south that we are complaining that 6 feet of snow wasn't enough?

We riders know thaw, rain,dry snow, wet snow, wind,sun solar angles & traffic can can reduce 5-6 ft of snow to snirt & mud in 1 weekend. No way to shut down trails during rain & thaw to preserve snow so catch as catch can. The last few seasons you had to ride trails ASAP or conditions went to snirt fast. In Phelps we don't get many big snows greater than 12" but we do average about 5" a week LES or clippers that add up. Ok I guess but nothing like snowbelts of UPMI.


Well-known member
thaw, rain,dry snow, wet snow, wind,sun solar angles & traffic

A lot of people that live in Wisconsin REALLY don't know how much snow we get per year. They think, because there's a foot of snow on the ground right now, that we've gotten a foot of snow so far this year.


All of those BIG numbers dont mean squat, if it keeps going away between snowfalls. Need to keep the stuff on the ground ( frozen ground ) base is what counts. A little warm up between snowfalls is OK to settle it down. Not these COMPLETE MELTDOWNS we have been getting.