2015/2016 Seasonal Forecast


Well-known member
Hi John,
Will be mid October next week and with any luck we should start getting LES in November. When will you release the seasonal... guess... I mean forecast?..lol :)


Someone is getting antsy for sledding weather to begin...:) (I'm sure there are many, including myself who are!)
I recall in past years, John usually has this out right before, or right after the Wisconsin Snow Show which is next weekend.
We'll see what are master seer says, hoping we are looking good this year.
Remember last year we got that huge storm in mid November, that proved to actually hurt everything as the trails/rivers/ponds/wetlands had not frozen yet, and all that snow acted like a blanket. Recall some hairy spots on the trails with running water, had to make the sled act like a jet ski a few times.
In any event, I'm sure we will all be anxious for our seer (AKA John Dee) to give us the seasonal goods!


Well-known member
Oh well.... I'll make the best of whatever snow falls.....there is always Pat's open house to kick off the season scratch the itch wait for snow to stack up.:)


New member
Remember last year we got that huge storm in mid November, that proved to actually hurt everything as the trails/rivers/ponds/wetlands had not frozen yet, and all that snow acted like a blanket. Recall some hairy spots on the trails with running water, had to make the sled act like a jet ski a few times.

In our neck of the woods (NW Wisc) an early snow like last year would be DISASTER for the trails. We had so much rain over the spring and summer most swamps are full to the brim. One club that I belong to is already saying that they will not groom any swamps all season because of the insane amount of water in them. I think it's a bit too early to make that call but who knows. We need COLD, COLD and more COLD before we get a covering of snow.


I have a great idea. What if we put some snow making machines along any body of water/pond/stream along the trail system. This way, we can blow snow whenever it is cold, we'll show this El Nino whose boss!


Well-known member
On the plus side I'm hoping to buy a new sled next year. If the midwest sees another crappy winter there should be a lot of left over inventory out there.


Well-known member
For us here in the UP, above average temps will be welcome especially if it is above the last 2 winters average temps, which were too cold for too many consecutive day's. As far as below average snowfall, the way I look at it, we have a bit of wiggle room in that department as our "averages" are pretty healthy. All in all, it will be winter, there will be cold & last but not least, there will be snow. I am not going to let El Nino turn me into one who suffers from Opticrectitis (Optic-Rect-itis), one who has a ****ty outlook on life. :confused:LOL! No glass is half empty here. :cool:-Mezz
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Active member
Its funny to read all the facebook posts talking about putting their faith in the Farmer's Almanac. Ha, Get a sense of forecast reality!


Active member
With that Seasonal Forecast, this might be just what you need this winter in the nort' woods:
A "highly efficient (click →) 600W Snow Machine!" It has a spray distance of 2-5 meters, only $99.99!

Just a few hours left on the sale; y'all better stock up now — they may be in great demand this winter!

Some of you creative folks might be able to devise a way to mount one on yer sled … although finding a sufficiently long extension cord might be a bit of a challenge. ;)
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Active member
With that Seasonal Forecast, this might be just what you need this winter in the nort' woods:
A "highly efficient (click →) 600W Snow Machine!" It has a spray distance of 2-5 meters, only $99.99!

Just a few hours left on the sale; y'all better stock up now — they may be in great demand this winter!
Some of you creative folks might be able to devise a way to mount one on yer sled … although finding a sufficiently long extension cord might be a bit of a challenge. ;)

Snow Machine on front, generator on back, only need a 6' extension cord.


Active member
On the bright side

Prospects may be looking grim for the nort' woods in the seasonal outlook, or from this from the Weather Channel: (click →) "Winter Outlook 2015-2016: Cold, Wet South and Warm, Dry North, Says NOAA".

…but look at the bright (wet?) side:

Death Valley, CA: Rain!
As of 2:10PM (PDT) nearly 0.2" of rain since 7AM today, with 0.75 to 1.00" more expected by 12:00AM Monday.
Nearly an inch of rain in three days in Death Valley? 'Magine that!

Compare to: The average annual precipitation in Death Valley (at Furnace Creek Station) is 2.36 inches, and the wettest month on record is January 1995 with 2.59 inches.

(No need to thank me, I'm just happy to be able to cheer y'all up!) :cool:
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