25% fewer WI deer taken


New member
See no deer ..hear no deer....WI DNR predicted herd numbers must be off a little..Seems like a lot of money and time goes into this system they have of trying to control the herds..The desire to hunt is getting less and less every year.


Here in my neck of the woods, it was very quiet opening morning, and most of the weekend. BUT, there is a TON of standing corn yet.


I heard the fewest shots both Opening day, and sunday of any that I can remember. We hade 4 people in the woods, and did not see 1 deer.


New member
Opening day this year was the the most quiet I've ever experienced in 30 yrs. of hunting.All wasn't lost,my 13 yr.old shot at his first buck and missed, buck fever bit him hard.Collectively our group seen 3 deer, that is sad. We also spent alot of time in the woods also. Talking to other hunters, I feel fotunate we saw the deer we did. Alot of hunters I talked to saw nothing.


New member
We hunt just south of Montello, and I saw more deer opening day this year than I did the last two years (5 bucks/5 does). I took two 8 pointers and another guy hunting with us also got an 8 pointer. Three hunters, three deer, done by 11am on opening day. I also heard a lot of shooting around us. We did have some fog that made it tough for a while though.


Well-known member
Lots of deer in WI farmland. Northwoods very few mostly in towns where protected. Good fishing & hunting in Northwoods is a myth. Both used to be very good but not that way now with spearing & poor DNR deer management nothing in woods & water. Now DNR says they messed up deer control but hunters been saying no deer in forest for 3 years. Sometimes I wonder if DNR hunts or fish or they just don't care. Bears & Wolves at all time high populations. Hmmm? What has changed???


New member
I hunt in Oconto county. I saw a doe and a buck. Shooting by us was pretty much done by 9:00 opening day. My dad and Brother-in-law saw total of 12 doe. Sunday - was a dry day - no deer and a couple of shots. I think DNR better take a hint before everyone stops hunting for a year or two and then they will really see what happens when everyone pulls together.


New member
The WDNR has no idea what they are doing period!

It does not matter what subject you are talking about: Stormwater Management, ATVs, Deer, Wolves, Shoreland Zoning. They are the bottom of the barrel of all of their respective fields because the people with heads on their shoulders go into private practice. Then the WDNR continues their downward spiral by promoting from the inside.

The WDNR serves for one purpose only.... furthering and enlarging the bureaucracy they have created.


New member
Asmski, you hit the nail on the head, the DNR is only concerned about 1 thing and that's creating revenue to fuel the bureaucracy, absolutely no doubt about that. There are literally 3 govt. entities that I can't stand visiting, DMV,DNR and the Post Office. The people employed at these places all act like elitist, self important,stuck up snobs. The DNR better wake up, the hunting community is paying attention and at the moment they are not satisfied with the results.


New member
Went to Hayward, WI this past weekend. Didnt see anything in the woods. Probably this warm weather we are having.


New member
weird? were were stacking them up like cord wood on sat an sunday in nw wi! not big bucks but take your pick of does? Weather I believe is huge and i think the rut is a just about over so that doesnt help


New member
i cant blame the warm weather cuz of no one seeing deer. i have ssen just as many deer when it was 65 degrees as i have when it was 40 degrees while bow hunting this year. i also dont thinkt the rut is over but its starting to slow. the deer population is down every were and its got to really suck for peolpe in northwoods. i see 3-5 years for a 50 percent recovery with addition of open season wolf hunts during there matting season which i think it is during january thru march(at least thats when coyotes are matting). but in all hoinesty.... i dont think the dnr cares. just keeping buying your licenses each year(as they rise each year) and keep trying. sorry guys


New member
Dnr doesn't care.Less hunters is less enforcement! DNR = DAM NEAR RUSSIA !! DNR say deer kill in the north down 29% over last year,They don't tell you last yrs. deer kill was down 41% from the year before!! I think wolves and bears are #1 deer problem.Wolves eat deer,alot of them.Bears like newborn fawns and we have way to many bears. Time to smoke a pack a day and shoot and bury by the spring bird feeder!


New member
This one was chasing rabbits!


Well-known member
Ubee That is a huge wolf I have never seen a wolf that big. Were was that wolf shot? That would scare the crap out of me to see a wolf that big. That wolf is well fed & if they start getting that big around here my 44 will be in my saddle bag.


New member
got the pic off a canadien fishing site, ill try to find out more! somebody suggested that it was photo shopped. I'll do some checking