509 Aviators googles


Has anyone used them? I love my Scott light sensitive goggles, but they weren't the best for the west....plus I figure having two pair is a good idea.


Well-known member
I tried the aviators did not work well with my klim.
I called and talked with them they sent me a pr of the black ops in trade they work great .
great customer service I thought.


New member
aviators fit perfect in my cat helmet, got a pair of pro air snows with ls lense too for trial - night riding. the pro air snows will be warmer I think, but the look and function of the aviators is undeniable.


New member
best pair i ever got used all brands and makes till i found them still have about 6 pares of other ones but still only were the Aviators i have a klim f4 helmet and they fit fine just loosen the goggle straps as loose as possible


New member
I have used the Aviators. They did not work well with my klim helmet. I think the sinister goggles work way better.