60 Days of Snowmobiling for Cancer!


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15 Days Left!

Well I have 15 days left of my Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011. I am hoping to put on another 5,000+ miles in the final two weeks. (My odometer reads 37,245 miles currently.)

If you see me on the trails you can always wave me down. Also, if you want to let me know which state or country you are reading my blog from would be great as well. I have heard back from the following locations: Spain, Germany, France, Australia, Colorado, Arizona, Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida, Oklahoma, Utah, Illinois, Texas, Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan.


New member
475 Mile Day!

Well, I had a great day putting on 475 miles (145 of it on Lake Gogebic)! It felt great outside after so many days of sub zero temps that it felt like a heat wave. Otherwise, all of the people that will be joining me on the Valentine's 500+ mile pledge day will be showing up tomorrow and we plan on heading out early on Monday for our full day of riding.

To see more of my daily journeys please visit: www.snowballcancer.org and check out the Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011 pages.


New member
552 Miles!

Well, Nick and his fellow riders went 552 Miles on their Valentine's Challenge Day to honor Nick's mother and all other loved ones who passed away before their time from cancer.

Check out Nick's Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011 at www.snowballcancer.org for all of the details.

Nick ended the day with 39,781 miles on his 2010 RS Vector GT odometer. So what time do you think he will hit 40,000 miles on the odometer tomorrow? Check back for details.


New member
Both my son and I are cancer survivors. Son has had 33 surgeries to date as a result of Ewing's Sarcoma. I have witnessed what efforts like this do for all the families involved. God Bless you, Nick - and thank you! Maybe I can connect and ride with you some day.


Well-known member
Well, Nick and his fellow riders went 552 Miles on their Valentine's Challenge Day to honor Nick's mother and all other loved ones who passed away before their time from cancer.

Check out Nick's Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011 at www.snowballcancer.org for all of the details.

Nick ended the day with 39,781 miles on his 2010 RS Vector GT odometer. So what time do you think he will hit 40,000 miles on the odometer tomorrow? Check back for details.

I'm guessing around 1:30 pm today.

Great job Nick.


Active member
Great job Nick! My wife is an oncology nurse and gets to see first hand what good the efforts do from people like you. Her and I both say thanks, and congrats on the crazy miles you put on also!
PS. My next sled will be a Yammi! lol.


New member
40,000 Miles!

Nick officially passed 40,000 miles on his RS Vector GT sled yesterday (Tuesday) February 15th at 4:21pm! He accomplished this goal infront of Pat's Yamaha in Greenland, MI.

As of last night, Nick had on his odometer 40,182 miles which were all ridden in only 122 days! Simply AMAZING!


New member
On Monday, I started riding at 7:30am and finished at 11pm. We had snack breaks out on the trails for eating and took a few extra bathroom breaks since we had a woman with us as well on that day. (No shortcuts on the bathroom breaks.) However, we got some great miles that day. :) It was really enjoyable.


Feb 16 Blog - Attn Nick

"It was great getting to talk with everyone and let them enjoy the sled just like I get to each day. I even had one guy get on the ground with my flashlight to check out my high-fax. He was just amazed at how well they hold up and how great this sled runs. People wanted to take pictures of the odometer as well to prove that they saw a sled with that many miles on it. Some of them were very excited to finally see me since they had been following my blog since last year and was hoping to one day run into me. So thank you for all of your great support. "

That was my guy checking out your slides Nick! :) Jason has been wanting to meet and ride with you for over a year now. He also lost his mom to breast cancer so your ride is near and dear to his heart. Thank you for taking the time to talk with them and letting them take pictures. I know Jason was very excited. I was on the phone with him when he saw you ride by. He got off the phone so quick, it made my head spin! The rest of the group was also excited to meet you. You are quite a legend out there. Keep up the great work!


Well-known member
Nick is now over 20,000 miles!! Wow, keep rocking.

Very moving tribute in your notes Nick. You are a class act.


Well-known member
I see that Nick has now surpassed the 40,000 mile mark for the two season record breaking ride. Wow.

Hang in there Nick, the ride is almost done and it looks like you will get some snow to freshen things up a little.


New member
42,000 Miles +

Nick officially has 42,091 miles on his odometer after only 127 days of riding! Nick only has 3 days left for his Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011. Nick has truly gone the distance this season and has shown the great quality of his 2010 Yamaha RS Vector GT.

Check out Nick's complete blog under the Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011 (Nick's Blog) at www.snowballcancer.org.

You can also view the website to see how you can get involved and help support Nick's cause.


New member
Snowball Cancer Challenge 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Day: 60
♦ Starting Mileage: 42,853
♦ Ending Mileage: 43,150
♦ Daily Miles Travelled: 297
♦ Total Miles To Date: 22,150

♦ Travel: Richmond-MN, Farming, Freeport, Albany, Sioux trail up to Moose Lake, 5 miles past Denham, turned around and headed back to Richmond-MN.

♦ Notes: I started the day knowing that it was going to be a very meaningful day to me…..I celebrated what I call as my 10th Birthday since I had pancreatitis (I pounded on the big pearly doors that day 10 years ago and he wouldn’t let me in. He had a bigger purpose yet for me to do in life) and it was also officially Nick Keller Day in Richmond that honored my finishing of my run last year on this day. However shortly after waking up in the morning, I received the news that my dear friend Claudia had passed away only a few short hours into today. So today became even more meaningful to me. I would now ride in honor and dedication to my dear friend Claudia who passed away from a long battle with cancer. I love you and will miss you so much! You will forever be in my heart. The short time that I have known her; I have a lifetime of memories of her that I will carry with me forever. She was my rock last year and so I tried to return the favor to her this year when she needed me. I thought of her all day and had tears in my eyes as I was sledding down the trails. However when SledHead 24/7 welcomed me and asking ”what kept you going?”…..I just couldn’t hold back my emotions and how deeply sad I was. But I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all of your great support that you have given to me and the foundation. Also, thank you to Todd and Wayne; along with Steve and TJ for riding along with me on the trails today. I really was in the need of great support on my final miles. A big THANK YOU to Wayne & Christine DeHoux for buying a tank of gas and for my final two tanks I personally bought them in honor of my six grandchildren that I love and missed so much (Zachary, Olivia, Tyler, Sean, Alex, & Nicole). I will write my additional thoughts and feelings hopefully sometime next week. So please do come back and continue your great support for the foundation. I must take a few days to pay my respects to my dear friend and her family that I have grown so close to in such a short amount of time. Until then THANK YOU!

*If you would like to donate to the Keller Family Community Foundation or read more about us -Please visit: www.snowballcancer.org.


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amazing heart the man has, amazing story, amazing sled. Let's step up big time people and help support the cause.


Well-known member
amazing heart the man has, amazing story, amazing sled. Let's step up big time people and help support the cause.

It is hard to describe the effort put forth by one person to do something like this feat. Amazing, is one of many words I would use. We rode central Minnesota the last couple of days and Nick is well known and liked. It seemed like everywhere we stopped, people knew Nick and wanted to talk about how great it is to know him.

Great job Nick. It is obvious that you have already touched many lives.

Good Luck, with the continued fundraising.


New member
25,000+ Miles So Far For The Season!

25,000+ Miles So Far For The Season!

Nick's odometer reads 45,169 miles. (His odometer read 20,131 miles at the start of the 2010-2011 snowmobile season.) He has reached his final personal goal for this snowmobile season. 25,000 + miles

Way to go Nick! He still plans on riding as long as the snow is around.....so how many miles do you think one man can really put on in one season. ???