99 Cat Clutch Issue


New member
Snows starting to fly and I need to get workin on the sled. Its a 99 ZR 600 carb thats stock. What happens is it doesnt want to disengage all the time and has no top end to it. It doesnt hit more than 60mph really. Im not sure if the clutch has been messed with in the past or not, Im the 2nd owner. Do you guys think its completely a clutch issue? If so, what set up should I be running?




New member

I think on a 99 you should have the yellow/white spring in the primary clutch with 48.5 gram cam arms. The secondary should have the yellow spring. Engagement speed around 4600rpm and a peak rpm around 8500. Be sure to check your belt for proper deflection and alignment. The belt should rise above the secondary sheeve 1/8 inch. These machines are very finicky when it comes to belts and clutches, but if you set them up right they're awesome. Kevin


Check the bushing inside the clutch i had to make a new one for a friend of mine as they wear out and cause major damage so when u have it apart make sure to check that.
Check the bushing inside the clutch i had to make a new one for a friend of mine as they wear out and cause major damage so when u have it apart make sure to check that.

X2...they make a bushing kit for these clutches. They are about 100 bucks or so. But if your clutch is that worn I would suggest a new one.


New member
Ill see if I can get the clutch off this weekend and check it out. Last season it started the year off fine, but when I took a ride in February it wouldnt hit over 60mph and when stopped it would want to not disengage and creep forward and die when stopped. Is stock the way to go with these sleds?

Thanks for the comments guys!


Well-known member
what kind of Mi on that sled in as little as 3k I have seen them need a full rebuild.just took apart a f5 and the weights were way auged out like over a 1/16 oval.2 rollers were locked up 2 shims were missing on weights and this thing has less than 3k on it but it looks like a verry hard 3k


New member
Cowboy. get the clutch off and get a friend that knows about clutches
over to help""beer and fritos mandatory""

The snow will call you and you will have more problems if
the clutch blows, they can be rebuilt.


New member
Ezra, the sled has about 3400 miles on it. I know what you are talking about the clutch being wore out bad. I have never rebuilt one on my own, but Ive saw one that the weights were wore right down like that.

Doomsman Ill definately get a second look at it, my dad has a buddy that raced cats and was sponsored by Arctic Cat while he was still racing, so Im sure he would be a perfect candidate to take a look for me.