a life changing reality check for me today


New member
well I've been feeling ill since Christmas well today I went to the doctor and he omitted me to the hospital tonight with a real bad case of pneumonia. That's not even the reality check when I was 32 I hada slight heart attacked do to stress another one at 34 and the doctors told me both times to quit smoking well me being stubborn I never did .So now I lay here in hospital bed feeling pretty stupid because now im 37 and I was told today I also have emphysema . I'm not writing this looking for pitty or people to prey for me I'm not in to that plus I did this to myself and a know this . So I guess I'm writing this because if your doctor tell you to quit smoking you better listen just because if you think your to young to have anything bad happen to you because of smoking your wrong trust me on this.
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New member
Hang in there....I've got a friend in his middle 50's that's had about 5 heart attacks, and even after ALL THE PRESSURE from eveyone around him he still smokes....Good luck !!!
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Well-known member
Holy crap reiley! I am so sorry to hear that. I don't know of a doctor that hasn't told anybody that smokes "not" to quit. You are young, & you have that on your side. so, quit now. You have the chance to make that change. I won't "prey" for you, but I will say a "prayer" for you. Listen up & be well, lots of sledding to do!-Mezz


New member
oh trust me I'm done this has scared the sh@t out of me. I have a 4 ,12 and a 17 year old kids plus a wife at home to take of.plus look at bright side all the money I'll be saving from not buying cigs. thats like 2 extra tanks a week in my sled. lol
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get better buddy,we'll pray for you! heck if you dont quit for yourself,then at least do it for your family. sorry,dont mean to preach,besides you already know that. I guess what I'm saying is your family loves you very much and they will help you get thru this!god speed brother!


New member
Sounds like decision time.
Your are having problems that typically don't show up until later in life.

funny you say that after my 2nd heart episode my doctor sat by my bed side in the hospital. and told me the same thing . So i did I decided to move to the UP and simplify life a lot .So far it working out.great wife and kids love it .plus blood pressure before I move 190 over high 90s after I move 120s over low 70 so that a good thing just gotta beat this smoking thing then I'll be alright.


New member
Not much can be added to this one!

View it this way...you are at war....the tobacco companies are out there handing you blanks for your weapon...and the enemy i so close that you can hear them breath....

If this were me and I had those kids, I would be thinking..."who is going to counsel them at each sticking point in their lives if I AM NOT THERE?"

Good or bad...they need you to be there for them as they go through life, and there isn't much you can do for them if you are 6 feet under.

While you are sitting in your hospital bed, get some paper and a pen....write down all the good things that smoking and poor health can do for you, and then on the other side of the paper write down all the bad stuff involved with smoking...feel free to attach more sheets of paper because you will need them. Then...in caps....make a pledge to everyone you love and show the guts it takes to do it....life is short enough to miss out on all the things you have yet to see....then......

........................................just do it! It's all up to YOU!!


New member
I chewed tobacco for many years and tried to quit several times. It dawned on me that if I wanted to walk my daughters down the aisle at their weddings I had better STOP. I had soars in my mouth and my guts hurt all the time from my addiction. Two daughters down one to go and THEY are so happy to have their DAD to be there for them.


Well-known member
It will be 2 years in jan for me since I quit smoking. Very very hard to do. I am 33 years old. Gained about 40 pounds in the belly section but the beer drinking might have something to do with that as well. Amazing how much better I feel though after quiting. Good luck pal. Its tough but such is life. I did it!!! So can you!!!


New member
Give er hel!! In the same process now myself without the emphysema yet. Could say we are all a bit stubborn though. Turn it around on something for motivation for yourself to stay done with the smokes. Last week I was in a class for cont Ed and the instructor asks how many smokers in the room, a few hands go up and the instructor simply says " let me know when you want a smoke break, you guys are paying all the taxes".
Give er he!! Bud.


New member
.... Turn it around on something for motivation for yourself to stay done with the smokes. ...
Give er he!! Bud.

A bunch of years ago, my friend and I were out fishing on a week day having some fun but changing lures as fast as we put them on to find just the right lure...I was standing on the bow and he was on the stern and I began to smell the stink of a smoke....I told him that for what he paid for those smokes he could have a tackle box that would cover the stern and every color combination available....he glared at me as he had tried to quit many times only to pick it up again. Aside from his wife and small kids, he didn't get nagged much by anyone.

So I saw an advertisement for a hypnotist on smoking and bought him a $20 ticket at Xmas and he went.

Next summer he had a big brand new box and it was stuffed with more tackle than I had ever seen in a box that was that new.

I just smiled and said...."I see you quit smok'n..." and he said, "yep"!

Use whatever works....but motivation is an element that can help you turn the corner.


New member
Reminds me of a old Rodney Dangerfield line. Girl friend asked me if I smoked after sex-said I don't know,I never looked!


New member
You have to take care of yourself to take care of your family. Added bonus for quiting is if you smoked one pack a day at $7.00 bucks a pack times 365 times 4 years equals $10220. Brand new free snowmobile!!!!
Please get better


Well-known member
Reilly, after a good meal and in a comfortable bed you’re most likely fast asleep so you probably won’t see this until tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing this. True, this is primarily a snowmobiling website but I’d like to think it sometimes serves a greater purpose. Hopefully it will lift your spirits a little to know that people you’ve never met and most likely never will are pulling for you and want you know that they are thinking about what you are going through.

It would be easy for a non-smoker to ask why, after two heart attacks, you wouldn’t quit smoking but I can’t even begin to understand the habit. I know people that have beaten it and have never looked back and I know people that never will. In your case, the final realization that you need to be around for your family may be the key to success. The fact that you called it life changing experience is a good sign.

Based on some of your previous posts, I’ve gathered that you’re an old sled fan, not to be confused with an old sledder, such as myself. We definitely need people like you to maintain the snowmobiling heritage.

Heal Fast….

P.S. Hopefully you laughed as hard at the Rodney Dangerfield joke as I did.


New member
reiley99, Hang in there dude! you are way to young for this crap to be going on. Stress heart attacks. Been there done that. quit the smoking 32 years ago gained 30 pounds, toughest thing I every done. so what I am alive. Now about you. ask yourself, what is this all about, you got young kids and a wife, you can do this, Look at John D., move if you have to. Look at me a free agent, Corporate world would of killed me. Find what you want to do. My wife says to me, "for every door that closes another opens". this is true. life is a one time deal and you need to get another 37 years plus out of your self. Make changes if need be. Find what makes you happy in life and the money will follow. Nothing is worth your life. Get well soon!



like anonomoose said=maybe try getting hypnotised,thats what finally worked for my dad,but he also had some motivation=it pissed him off that he couldnt climb the mountains when elk hunting. we only get ONE chance at this life, so just do it buddy!!